Each week people on the internet are making a revelation about something, and one week in 2025 believe it or not, it's toe nails of all things.
While it can certainly be easy to forget, it's extremely important to cut your toenails for general foot health.
But how is the correct way to cut your toe nails?
Those who suffer from ingrown toenails will know how painful it really is, but you may be suffering from them because of the way you cut your toenails.

A video uploaded by Creative Learning, documents how you should cut your nails, and it made clear you should cut your toenail straight.
The clip went on to explain how you shouldn't cut your toenails too short and also avoid 'rounding the edges'.
A similar video has been uploaded to the 'Interesting As F***' Twitter account, with many shocked at how you really should be cutting your toe nails.
"Can confirm the first method causes ingrown toenails and they huuuurt," one person said.
A second added: " Cut toenails straight across to prevent ingrown nails. Don’t cut too short, and file sharp edges. Trim after a shower for softer nails. Simple care, fewer problems."
While a third remarked: "I have definitely been cutting my toenails wrong my whole life lmao."
Healthline has also done a handy guide on how best to cut your toe nails, and it all begins with the nail clippers.
The website explained: "You should have two nail clippers — one for your fingers and one for your toes. Since your toenails are broader and thicker, they require a larger clipper. Also, by having separate clippers, you reduce the chance of transferring bacteria or fungus between your feet and hands."
You also need to clean your clippers throughly between each use for obvious hygiene purposes.

Healthline went on to say you should probably cut your toe nails every six-eight weeks, though someone who is more active may have to do it more often.
And speaking of the actual cut itself, the site read: "The fifth step is the actual cut. To avoid painful ingrown toenails, cut your toenails straight across. For many people, this is easiest to do in two cuts — the first one with the clippers slightly off the side of the nail to create a straight edge; the second to remove the rest of the nail following the line of the straight cut."
You'll want to finish that off with a bit of nail filling to remove those 'jagged edges'.
Topics: Health, Community, Social Media, YouTube, Twitter