Topics: Health, Environment, TikTok
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Topics: Health, Environment, TikTok
A doctor has claimed a common product found in a lot of people's homes is the 'most toxic item' that should be removed immediately.
With the smells coming in and out of the average home - whether it be the smell of the dog or the lingering aroma of dinner the night before - many will invest in a certain household product to ensure the house is feeling fresh.
Well, Dr Pedi Mirdamadi, who shares health advice on TikTok, has taken to the popular video platform to reveal that the everyday household item can be linked to itchy eyes and allergies.
In fact, the doctor went on to explain how such household item can even exacerbate asthma in a worst case situation scenario.
To much surprise, the item is a plug-in air freshener, which is certainly a common item in many households across the US.
"Many of these products contain toxic chemicals like formaldehyde as well as volatile organic compounds, which enter our bodies through our breath," Dr Mirdamadi said.
He added: "The air we breathe is the quickest and easiest way to get toxins into our body. If you have any of these plug-in air fresheners in your home or in your car - switch them off and dump them, especially if you're experiencing any signs of allergies or asthma."
According to Indoor Doctor, studies have found that 86 percent of air fresheners contain phthalates, which can interfere with testosterone production and cause reproductive issues. Air fresheners also typically contain formaldehyde, which has been linked to cancers of the nose and throat.
And if that wasn't enough, many plug-in air fresheners contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which can increase the risk of asthma in children.
In the caption to the video, Dr Mirdamadi suggested some alternatives to using the common plug-in air freshener.
He wrote: "Do you use plug-in air fresheners? If so you may want to listen up! Please do yourself and your family a favor and throw them out!
"Even if I get into an Uber and they have one plugged in I unplug it and kindly tell them I have allergies. Elimination especially if there is any asthma or respiratory issues at the household!
"Instead use an essential oil diffuser to freshen the home. Avoid this if you are a dog owner!"
Many have flocked to the comments section of the TikTok video, with many admitting to using a plug-in air freshener.
"I’m keeping mine I like my one little plug-in that smells like vanilla when I walk through the door," one person said.
A second spoke of an alternative: "I simmer orange peel cloves cinnamon stick and cranberries. It's a much healthier alternative."
And a third remarked: "I stopped using them and started using diffusers. I have them on every room. Currently diffusing vanilla essential oil."