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Man paralyzed after blowing his nose predicted it would happen

Man paralyzed after blowing his nose predicted it would happen

The unnamed man underwent a six-hour surgery following the incident

An Aussie man was left paralyzed after blowing his nose, which immediately sent him fainting on the bathroom floor.

Blowing your nose is something all of us do, especially when riddled with a cold. However, we don’t often associate any negative side effects from having a wipe.

But one Australian family’s life was turned upside down as a result of someone simply blowing their nose.

In an interview with the Daily Mail’s FEMAIL, Kirsty Bronner recalled hearing a ‘loud bang coming from their bathroom’.

She said: “I rushed in and found my partner lying unconscious on the floor. He had hit his neck and dislocated it causing a C6/7 spinal cord injury.

“He had blown his nose and fainted, hitting his neck on the bathroom bench.”

An Australian man fainted after blowing his nose, resulting in him falling and hitting his neck. (Getty Stock Photo)
An Australian man fainted after blowing his nose, resulting in him falling and hitting his neck. (Getty Stock Photo)

Kirsty’s partner, who did not wish to be named at the time of the interview, was taken to hospital where he underwent a lengthy six-hour operation.

But due to Covid-19 restrictions at the time, Kirsty was not allowed in the hospital and had to wait a staggering eight hours for an update.

She added: “I was so sick with worry. Eventually they rang and said he had a neck dislocation from hitting the bench which had caused a spinal cord injury and wouldn't know the extent of the injuries until they had done surgery and done tests.”

Terrifyingly, Kirsty’s partner had a feeling something wasn’t quite right the day before the horrible incident on New Year’s Day 2022.

“I will never forget him saying he felt like something bad was on the way. I look back now and it gives me chills,” Kirsty recalled.

A neck dislocation injury resulted in the man damaging his spinal cord, leaving him paralyzed. (Getty Stock Image)
A neck dislocation injury resulted in the man damaging his spinal cord, leaving him paralyzed. (Getty Stock Image)

While Kirsty’s partner was left paralyzed, Kirsty herself struggled to deal with the impact of the health emergency.

Her skincare business, The Booty Co, had become an afterthought, and perhaps understandably really as the business owner had to juggle looking after the children and deal with her husband’s new condition.

Kirsty said to FEMAIL: “The emotional and mental stresses caused were so severe that I could not tend to the business at all. We had a third-party warehouse to send out but everything else was completely halted.”

She added: “I was so mentally strained I struggled to tend to my kids as best I could so Felicity [Her sister and also business partner) would come and do a lot of house work and help with the kids, leaving her unable to do her part in the business as well.”

As of last year, Kirsty's partner was still paralyzed.

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Photo

Topics: Health, Australia, News