A survey has revealed the position that many US men wee in and a urology doctor has weighed in.
A survey conducted last year analysed the way different men from across the globe position themselves when they relieve their bladders.
However, it found that many men in the US aren't peeing in the most effective or most health-conscious way.
The survey conducted last year by YouGov investigated 'where in the world [...] men sit down to wee'.
"Thinking about times where you go to the toilet to ONLY urinate (i.e. only having a pee, not also having a poo), how often do you sit down in order to do so? percent of men in each country," it explains.

While countries such as Germany (60 percent) saw a solid stream of men sit down to release their bladders, sit-down wees aren't quite as popular in locations such as the UK and the US.
The US, in particular, scored an overall percentage of 23, with 10 percent of men sitting down every time, 13 most times, 23 some times, 17 rarely, six not having the foggiest idea what the survey was harping on about and 31 percent never sitting down at all.
But does it really matter how those with a penis position themselves for a pee? And what way is actually best when it comes to your health?

Well, according to Gerald Collins, a consultant urological surgeon at the Alexandra Hospital, there is a way which is generally considered the most healthy way for those with penises to pee.
Collins told The Telegraph that the sitting position is 'probably the most efficient way' to properly empty your bladder.
And if you're a woman reading this, then you'll probably know the joys of what not emptying your bladder can lead to.
All penis owners, if you've not been here before, welcome to the chat.
If you don't empty your bladder, it can lead to all sorts of health issues from urinary tract infections - yes, those with a penis can get them too - to kidney infections should your symptoms worsen, or even bladder stones.
All of these conditions can also prove to become a greater risk as you grow older if you develop a condition called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) which Collins says typically occurs 'from the early 40s onwards'.

The Mayo Clinic further explains: "Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a health issue that becomes more common with age. It's also called an enlarged prostate.
"The prostate is a small gland that helps make semen. It's found just below the bladder.
"And it often gets bigger as you get older."
While it's not typically serious, 'an enlarged prostate can cause symptoms that may bother you, such as blocking the flow of urine out of the bladder. It also can cause bladder, urinary tract or kidney problems,' the Mayo Clinic adds.
Basically, to relieve BPH, you'll find sitting down for your wees beneficial and more likely to prevent your risk of developing other more serious issues by ensuring you clear your bladder completely.
So, there you have it, how about treating yourself to a nice sit down p*ss more often?
Topics: Health, Social Media, US News, World News