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Doctor reveals there is a way to increase the size of a penis

Doctor reveals there is a way to increase the size of a penis

Dr. Rena Malik is an expert and shared a long-term way to make a penis larger

Changing the size of a penis is a hot topic, with many wanting to know the answer. But does it really work?

Apparently, so.

A surgeon who specializes in sexual health once explained that you can immediately tell if a man is well-endowed by looking at his nose.

She once said: “There’s one study — it’s a Japanese study where they looked at only Japanese men so there are some limitations — but they measured all these body parts and penile length and they found was that nose length was correlated with penile length, not hand length or foot.”

It’s a cool theory, but I’m not going to stare at people’s noses and try to guess lengths.

Now, the doctor is sharing secrets about how to enlarge that area.

Dr. Rena Malik explained on the Diary of a CEO podcast this month that there are a lot of ways men will try to lengthen their areas, specifically pumps.

However, she explained that method they just doesn’t work.

Dr. Rena Malik explained how to enlarge penises. (YouTube/ DiaryofaCEOclips)
Dr. Rena Malik explained how to enlarge penises. (YouTube/ DiaryofaCEOclips)

Considering a pump is a vacuum, it simply gives the appearance of a large penis by increasing the blood flow to the area.

But it’s not the same as getting real results that last longer than a short-term fix.

In fact, there are actually dangers that can come with trying to enlarge them, and although she wishes men had similar options available to them as women do for enlarging their breasts, it’s just not feasible right now.

Though, there is one way that’ll bring in an extra couple of inches.

She explained that a traction device could be the answer.

Malik said: “These are devices that are made for penile lengthening but they’re also made for men who have something called Peyronie’s disease.”

Peyronie’s disease is when scar tissue causes curved, painful erections.

Now, while traction devices won’t bring in crazy results overnight, they can give you two inches.

However, she also warned that men would need to use them for eight hours a day and for months to see those results.

That’s because it stretches the skin and needs to be done consistently and slowly.

She said it could take months with only 2 inches of length added. (YouTube/ DiaryofaCEOclips)
She said it could take months with only 2 inches of length added. (YouTube/ DiaryofaCEOclips)

If you’re seriously looking into a penis enlargement, another expert wants you to know that your size is perfect.

Dr. Jen Caudle on TikTok explained that people need to alter their expectation of penis sizes to destroy the thought that ‘size matters’ to anyone.

It really doesn’t matter. At all.

She explained in the clip: “The average size of a flaccid penis is 3.6 inches, and the average size of an erect penis is 5.17 inches. Did you know that?

"It’s actually shorter than I think a lot of people would imagine.”

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/ Diary of a CEO Clips/ Getty Stock Images

Topics: Sex and Relationships, Health, News