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This is what quitting drinking alcohol for 30 days really does to your body

This is what quitting drinking alcohol for 30 days really does to your body

It's no secret that cutting back on the booze is good for your health, but what are the exact effects when you don't drink for a month?

Whether it's Sober October or Dry January, many people are choosing to cut back on the amount of booze they drink.

And despite the purported health benefits of a glass of red wine, unfortunately more recent studies have shown that there is no healthy amount of alcohol you can drink.

It's one of those things that if you want to do it then you just have to square yourself with the fact that it's bad for you.

But whether you want to give up booze for good or just fancy taking a break for a month, there are health benefits to both of these.

Luckily, with more people cutting back around the world there are also more non alcoholic options out there, such as alcohol free cocktails and beers.

There are also 'sober bars' which open later and give a good alternative for people who want a night out without any alcohol.

As for giving up alcohol, the health benefits start very quickly and only compound the longer you don't drink.

So what exactly are they?

There's no way round it - even drinking in moderation is bad for you (Witthaya Prasongsin / Getty)
There's no way round it - even drinking in moderation is bad for you (Witthaya Prasongsin / Getty)

Well, around ten minutes after your last drink you will have a rise in blood sugar, and then a surge in dopamine in the brain.

You might also find you're peeing more as alcohol is a diuretic, and the resulting dehydration is the source of those punishing morning after headaches.

After one hour the body is beginning to process the alcohol, which can see a drop in blood pressure and better clarity.

After four to eight hours you perhaps won't be surprised to find yourself feeling sleepy or tired.

When we get to 12 hours the alcohol has now largely left the bloodstream, and now the liver has processed the substance it can commit fully to its regular functions, taking stress off it.

You'll also have dehydration, with those headaches we mentioned.

After a day you may still have some booze in your digestive system, meaning that you experience things like constipation or an upset stomach.

You can experience side effects after quitting drinking (Peter Dazeley / Getty)
You can experience side effects after quitting drinking (Peter Dazeley / Getty)

When we get to two days the body has returned more or less to normal, with brain chemicals such as serotonin levelling out after ten days.

When we get to the two-week mark you can see improvements in your skin such as acne clearing up and pores being less visible.

By the time you get to a month without any alcohol you can see a big reduction in your risk factors for things like diabetes and cirrhosis.

For particularly heavy drinkers and people who have an alcohol dependancy withdrawal symptoms can be dangerous and even fatal if not properly managed.

Symptoms can include shaking, loss of appetite, sweating, increased heart rate, high blood pressure, nausea, and seizures.

You should speak to a medical professional if you experience serious side effects after reducing or stopping alcohol consumption.

If you've been affected by addiction and want to speak to someone in confidence, you can call American Addiction Centers on (888) 324-0595, available 24/7, or contact them through their website.

Featured Image Credit: Getty/Ekaterina Vasileva-Bagler/Getty/Henrik Sorensen

Topics: News, US News, UK News, Health, Alcohol, Mental Health