Just three cups of one common hot drink could prevent you from developing dementia in the future.
With approximately 6.7 million people in the US being diagnosed and living with dementia, the disease is something that many are impacted by.
While there have been many studies which link a range of organs and lifestyle changes to the development of the illness, there are only so many things that have shown little evidence in support of the theories.
However, it is known that a healthy diet, stimulated mind, and active lifestyle can stop you from being in the at-risk group.

But recent research suggests that one beverage can significantly decrease your risk with just a couple of gulps.
A Japanese study found that three cups is the sweet spot.
The drink in question? Green tea.
The researchers found that older adults who regularly consume green tea have less cerebral white matter lesions in their brains.
Cerebral white matter lesions have pointed to cognitive decline and the development of dementia.
The researchers found out the results after asking almost 9,000 adults to fill out a questionnaire about their beverage intake and then used brain scans to analyze the difference in their brains.
That’s when they realized that three or more glasses a day of green tea may help prevent dementia.
But this isn’t the first time green tea has been linked to such things, as a 2022 meta-analysis found that overall, your risk of developing dementia drops by 6 per cent for every cup of green tea you drink.
Brewed using the camellia sinensis plant, green tea has been consumed for over 5,000 years, particularly in East Asia.

Rich in antioxidants such as catechins like epigallocatechin gallate, the drink is widely known for its numerous health benefits.
Its anti-inflammatory and cell-protective properties may also help to reduce the likelihood of developing a variety of ailments such as: cancer, diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, strokes, gut issues, bone issues, and metabolic problems.
A 2023 study found that those who drink between two and four cups of green tea per day are 24 per cent less likely to have a stroke.
Another study conducted by a 2010 laboratory using animal cells found that a green tea mix rich in antioxidants protected against the nerve cell death associated with dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
So, it seems as though it’s almost like an elixir of life.
However, Alison Hornby, a dietitian and BDA spokesperson, alleged the evidence about green tea's health benefits is inconclusive.
She said to Oxfordshire Council: "In the Far East, green tea has been used as a treatment for a variety of conditions ranging from arthritis to weight loss, as well as a preventative measure for diseases such as cancer, although the evidence for the majority of these conditions is weak or lacking.
"However, as a social drink, it appears to be safe in moderate amounts, so lovers of green tea can continue to enjoy it."
Topics: Food and Drink, Health, Science, World News