People on Reddit are sharing the terrifying things they witnessed after waking up during surgery.
Having an operation, whether big or small, is a terrifying experience - but at least for the majority of them, we are put to sleep and therefore don't have any recollection of what is going on.
However, on some very rare occasions, patients have woken up during the operation and witnessed what exactly medical professionals were doing to them.
And thanks to the folks over at BuzzFeed, we now have a list of some of the most terrifying things to have ever happened to people on the operating table.
It was Reddit user u/LawAbidingPotato who took to the popular social media forum and asked: "People who woke up mid-surgery, what happened?"

Dentist nightmare
The first story comes from someone with an unfortunate dentist mishap, but to be honest, it has much of the forum in hysterics.
"Had IV sedation for wisdom teeth. Woke up partway through. [The] dentist said, 'Oh f**k, he’s awake.'
"I pointed at the IV bag, and everyone laughed, and someone said, 'He wants more.' They put me back under," the Reddit user explained.
Tacos during surgery?
A fellow Reddit user explained how they were awake for two hand surgeries in a single year, as they explained: "I was awake for both of my hand surgeries in 2023. One time I was watching them quietly and the surgeon and assistants were talking about getting lunch [saying] they wanted tacos."
The surgery story then took a hilarious turn as the patient continued: "I said, 'Have you ever tried this taco place' and the assistant said, 'Holy s**t I forgot you were awake!'"
'F**k, I'm awake'
Another dentist story next, which honestly can't be the best surgery to wake up to, considering the operation is taking place right in your eye-line.

The story goes: "[I] barely woke up [while] getting my wisdom teeth out. I could feel them breaking up my teeth; they said I had very twisted long roots and it took a bit longer than expected. I didn’t feel pain but I remember thinking 'f**k, I’m awake.'”
Meanwhile, another person on Reddit spoke about how anesthesia doesn't work properly on them and as a result, they spend time awake during surgery.
Anesthesia wake up
"This happens to me every time I get surgery. Anesthesia doesn't work properly on me. I'm not sure why. So far I've had four surgeries. The most eventful experience was my first surgery. I went to sleep, then heard someone screaming. Like full-throated, agonizing, sounds-like-a-murder screaming," they said.
"So I woke up fully ready to go help because what was happening and then the pain hit me — they were cutting through tissue and trying to find [and] extract shards of a [bone] — and I realized it was me screaming."
Truly unbelievable.