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Two side-by-side videos have revealed the massive leaps in image quality for iPhones.
It's been a long time since someone fist conceived of the idea of strapping a camera to a mobile phone. It's fair to say that at the time it might have seemed an odd idea.
One model, the J-SH04 released in 2000, sported a camera boasting 110,000 pixels, or 1.1 megapixels, as well as a colour screen.
The following year the BBC reported on it, with the comments being weirdly prophetic for how people actually use cameras on their phone.
One person suggested it could be used to prove they had met a celebrity, while another suggested they would take pictures of friendly dogs they had met while walking around. Aww.
However, the iPhone changed the game when Apple launched it onto the market in 2007. The design, which featured the touch screen prominently, has since become the benchmark for smartphones.
But what about the camera?
Well, one person has compared the video quality between the iPhone 14 and the iPhone 4, which was released in 2010. There was a 13-year gap between the two.
The video shows that there has been some pretty big improvement in the video quality that the phones can capture.
While the image on the iPhone 4 isn't terrible, the 14 is much clearer.
The main difference however, is the reduction in the shake. The video is filmed out of a plane window.
On the iPhone 4, the image shakes around a lot due to the motion of the aircraft as it moves forward.
However, the image for the 14 is much more stable, with the shaking of the aircraft seemingly cancelled out altogether for a smoother shot.
People seemed impressed by the quality, though there was one factor that was missing as one person pointed out.
They joked: "Now try capturing a video of a ufo or an alien and see how bad they both are."
Another responded on a more serious note, writing: "Image stabilization is one of the best things to ever happen."
Others were impressed at the quality from the older model. One wrote: "It's crazy to see that the camera can still do that well in 2013."
Another said: "iPhone 4 camera really makes it feel like as if you teleported back to 2010."
Naturally there were also Android users coming out of the woodwork to say how much better the quality is on those models.
In any case, it's still a far cry from that first grainy image from 2000.