April Fool's Day has come and gone once again - but not without claiming more victims.
Every year we have to remember to be extra vigilant on 1 April, particularly on social media, where there's even more b*llsh*t circulating than usual.
This time around we had Heidi Klum faking her own pregnancy, while Sabrina Carpenter pulled the same stunt during her concert in Utah.
Meanwhile, over on Twitter, Jordan Peterson made a right t*t of himself after an April Fool's prank went straight over his head.
Instagram/Jordan Peterson The author and psychologist came across an article in the Western Standard with the headline: "Federal budget commits funding to convert one lane of TransCanada Highway for bicycles."
The article stated that the government had set aside $100 billion to make the change, and even included a quote from prime minister Justin Trudeau which read: "This confirms our government's plan to take as many cars off the road as we can to improve the environment.
"There is really no reason if you have to visit your grandmother in the hospital in Vancouver, and you live in Calgary, that you can't bike it in a couple of days."
You'd think it would be glaringly obvious that this wasn't true, but it seems Peterson had forgotten what day it was.
Retweeting the article, he fumed: "This idiot country is sheathed in ice seven months of the year and the trans Canada highway (an underdeveloped national disgrace) is 5,000 miles long.
"Is there nothing so stupid you won't do it @JustinTrudeau?"
Oh dear oh dear.
Let this be a reminder to us all to properly read something before passing comment, because if Peterson had read the article properly he surely would have detected the b*llsh*t; and even if he hadn't, the last line of the article reads: "From of all us at the Western Standard, have a happy April Fool's Day."
As you can probably imagine, the people of Twitter let Peterson have it for the gaffe.
One person commented: "Dear Dr. Peterson, In your capacity as psychologist perhaps you can answer a query?
"Is it healthy for someone to be so rage-filled that they respond to an obvious April Fool's Day article with sputtering fury? Can you advise?"
Another wrote: "Hi Dr. You ever think about just taking a breath and giving it a rest?"
While a third added: "The $100 billion price tag in the first paragraph should have been your tip-off that it was an April Fool's joke, if the substance of the article didn't do it."