Lottery bosses are urging players who play the Mega Millions in America to check their tickets as a $1.34 billion pound jackpot is yet to be claimed.
The lucky ticket was purchased on 29 July at a petrol station in Des Plaines, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago.
$1.34 billion is the biggest lottery prize ever won in Illinois and the third largest lottery prize ever won in the Untied States.
Winners of the Mega Millions have the option to remain anonymous if they take home a jackpot exceeding $250,000.
Speaking a week after the ticket had been bought, Illinois Lottery Director, Harold Mays said: "For a prize of this magnitude, it’s not unusual for the winner to take a while to claim. I’m sure they’re going through a range of emotions.”
Mays added: "We will work closely with the winner to respect any wishes for privacy and support them in any way we can to provide a positive winning experience."
The jackpot winner has 60 days from the lucky draw date to decide if they want to be paid the full $1.34 billion over the course of 29 years, or take a cut of $780 million in one lump sum.
However, unlike the UK where you have to claim your winnings in 180 days, the Mega Millions draw allows players a full year to claim, but they will not get to choose the payment package they desire if they exceed 60 days.
The retailer who sold the ticket, Speedway Des Plaines, is also entitled to a $500,000 cash bonus once the winners come forward.
Michael Browning, Regional Director for Speedway Des Plaines said: “Nothing makes us happier than bringing a little bit of joy to our customers’ lives – or in this case, a whole lot of joy!”
Lottery officials are urging the winners to sign the back of their tickets and seek legal advice.
They are also encouraging them make an appointment with the Illinois Lottery to claim their prize.
Officials are not making any further announcements as of yet after an incredible month since the lucky ticket was bought.
They reminded players of the numbers from 29 July draw, which were: 13, 36, 45, 57, 67, with a Mega Ball of 14.
In other lottery news, a National Lottery winner of £10,000 a month for the next 30 years has been dumped and cut off from the massive jackpot. Kirk Stevens told The Sun his former partner even wants to take their two dogs too.