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People claim there is one phrase that immediately reveals if someone is rich

People claim there is one phrase that immediately reveals if someone is rich

Reddit users all agree that the simple phrase gives it all away

Lots of people might not want to directly admit to being rich, but it turns out there's one simple phrase that could indicate someone is secretly rolling in it.

Of course, there are some obvious factors that can give it away without someone having to say something - like the clothes they wear or the car they drive round.

Obviously these can sometimes be put on credit and that person is actually living beyond their means, but it's often still a clear sign someone has a healthy bank balance.

On top of that, Reddit users are stating there is one word that is an obvious sign someone has a bit of money to their name.

"What’s a phrase somebody may say that indirectly indicates that they’re wealthy?" one user asked on the popular social media platform.

There is apparently one word that means you're rich. (Getty Stock Photo)
There is apparently one word that means you're rich. (Getty Stock Photo)

Well, many seem to agree that when someone says they are 'comfortable', it really means they're rich.

"We aren't super rich, but we are comfortable," one Reddit user quipped.

A second added: "We're comfortable. Any mention of where they 'summer' and mentioning money in terms of 'family' money."

While a third recalled their own experience, stating: "God, I love my sister to the ends of the earth, but her saying that f*cking gets me deep down.

"Like in one breath, she's minimizing how much we're struggling being 'ok' while at the same time downplaying how much her being "comfortable" is not 'comfortable', it's doing beyond what I can ever hope for.

"I know she's not being malicious, I know she didn't grow up with a silver spoon in her mouth, that her life has struggles of its own, but damn if it doesn't gall me- even though I don't want it to."

Apparently, a further way you can tell if someone has money is if they have a resting 'rich face' or 'poor face'.

We've all heard of a resting 'b*tch face' - but a recent study found people make judgements about if you're 'rich' or 'poor' just from the shape of your face.

The study conducted by researchers from the University of Glasgow found that faces deemed 'rich' were also considered to be more trustworthy, with chiselled features, raised brows and rosy cheeks among other characteristics.

Many think the phrase is a giveaway. (Getty Stock Photo)
Many think the phrase is a giveaway. (Getty Stock Photo)

Faces considered 'poor' on the other hand were found to have lowered eyebrows, shorter chins, downturned mouths and cooler skin tones, making them appear cold and untrustworthy.

Lead author of the study Dr Thora Bjornsdottir said: "People who are perceived to be of high or low social class are also often judged as having advantageous or unfavourable traits, respectively.

"Such judgements are formed even just from facial appearance, and this can have substantial consequences, including disadvantaging those who are perceived to be of lower social class.

"The stereotypes we hold bias our perceptions.

"Our impressions of other people can lead to particular advantages or disadvantages for them."

Featured Image Credit: Getty/Thomas Barwick/Getty/Nopphon Pattanasri

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