Government-funded research has identified the nine symptoms of the Omicron variant of coronavirus which are affecting those who are fully vaccinated.
Research into the COVID-19 vaccine has proven it can reduce the risk of getting seriously ill or dying from the virus, as well as reduce the risk of catching or spreading the disease, though there are still a number of symptoms those who have received all three vaccine shots can look out for.
The Omicron variant has symptoms that are slightly different to the original strain of coronavirus which began the pandemic in March 2020, though at-home testing kits are currently unable to identify which strain you might have, if you test positive.

Recently the ZOE Covid Symptom Study, funded by the government, identified the most common Omicron symptoms found in people who are fully vaccinated and led Professor Tim Spector, lead researcher behind the ZOE Symptom Study App, to note that the symptoms are now similar to the common cold.
Per Birmingham Live, he commented: 'Cold-like symptoms – including a runny nose, sore throat and persistent sneezing – became more common, along with a headache and cough, particularly in people who had been vaccinated.'
Spector continued: 'It’s causing symptoms that are much more like a regular cold, particularly in people who’ve been vaccinated, and fewer general systemic symptoms, such as nausea, muscle pains, diarrhoea and skin rashes.'
There are nine main symptoms that are found to be common signs and symptoms of Omicron, as follows: Runny nose; Sore throat; Sneezing; Headache; Cough; Nausea; Muscle pains; Diarrhoea; Skin rash.

Spector has noted that data from the study indicates about half of all cases of the Delta variant are being 'missed' by those who are on the lookout for 'classic' symptoms of coronavirus, such as a fever, a new and persistent cough and a loss or change of smell or taste, The Independent reports.
However, he stressed that a mild case may not result in such symptoms, saying: 'Omicron is probably much more similar to the mild variants we’re seeing in people who have been vaccinated [but still subsequently taken ill] with Delta than anything else, And so it is going to be producing cold-like symptoms that people won’t recognise as Covid if they just believe the official government advice.'
Christina Marriott, chief executive of the Royal Society for Public Health, has stressed how important it is for those who have been fully vaccinated to 'stay vigilant for cold-like symptoms and get tested if they’re living or working around people who are at greater risk from the disease.'
If you’ve been affected by coronavirus and want up to date advice, visit the Gov.uk help page here. If you need medical help call NHS 111 or visit online
Topics: Omicron, Coronavirus, Health, Life