Two eating-related symptoms could be signs that you've been infected with Omicron.
With the latest strain of Covid causing flu-like symptoms, it can be hard to tell when you're infected.
Now the ZOE app, which tracks developing symptoms of the virus, has found two eating-related symptoms.

According to the app, since January 2022 there has been a 'sharp increase' in those with Covid reporting gastrointestinal symptoms.
The NHS site continues to list high fever, a new, continuous cough and loss/change to your sense of taste or smell as main symptoms of the virus.
However, the ZOE app has noted that you could experience other gastrointestinal problems like diarrhoea, stomach pains and feeling sick if infected.
These signs can also extend to your eating habits, and include losing your appetite or skipping meals.
Last year, the app noted this, saying, 'Skipping meals for a short period of time because you’re feeling unwell isn’t something to be overly worried about in people under 65. However, a continued loss of appetite in the elderly could be a sign of something wrong and should be raised with their GP or usual healthcare professional.'
It continued, 'It’s not necessary to force yourself to eat if you don’t feel like it but it’s very important to keep drinking liquids to help replace the water lost as your body fights off the infection.'

The NHS advice on recovering from the virus also mentions changes in eating habits, stating, 'Many people experience loss of appetite and reduced food intake when unwell with COVID and during their recovery. It is normal to feel tired after being unwell, and recovery can take time.'
It adds, 'Eating well is important as your body needs energy, protein, vitamins and minerals to help you recover.'
While your appetite may change when you are feeling unwell, it's important to keep an eye on any lasting changes or weight loss.
The recommended advice is to do a lateral flow or PCR test if you suspect yourself of having any Covid-related symptoms.
Despite potential changes, the government requirement is still to self-isolate for at least five days after a positive Covid result.
On day five and six of your isolation you can take a lateral flow test, and if it is negative both days you can leave isolation.
If not you will need to keep testing until you get two positive tests, or finish your 10 days of isolation.
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Topics: Health, Coronavirus