I'm sure it's not the news you want to read today, but it's very easy for you to die.
It's a fact of life that we'll all die at some point.
Most of us would like to think we'll pass peacefully in our sleep at a ripe old age.

But not everybody has that luxury and many people die unexpectedly.
Over on Reddit, people compiled a list of the lesser-known causes of death.
And let's just say, there's a pretty limitless amount.
One user commented: "Being shoved.
"Seen too many videos of fights/scuffles where someone is shoved or punched, and the trip on concrete and suffer fatal TBIs [Traumatic brain injuries] hitting their head on concrete.
"The brain is fragile. Protect it."
Another wrote from experience: "Getting drunk going to sleep and choking on your own vomit. Always lay your drunk friends on their side, and lift their chin to open their airway.
"DO NOT lay them on their backs, friend died aged 32."
"A dental infection. I went to grief support meetings, and a woman there lost her son to an impacted tooth that spread infection to his brain," another said.
Someone else contributed: "A grape. My wife had a friend/coworker whose young daughter choked to death in front of her and her mother. They tried to dislodge the grape and nothing worked. By the time an ambulance got there, the girl was brain dead. It's about the worst thing I can imagine as a parent.
"We were cutting our kids' grapes in half until they were 10 after that happening."
If you weren't feeling paranoid enough, here's a few more.
Another Reddit user commented: "Giving little babies water to drink. Doesn't have to be much, it kills them very easy."
Erm. Okay.
Even YouTube challenges from the early to mid 2010s weren't safe from scrutiny, as one person wrote: "That chubby bunny game of stuffing your mouth/cheeks with marshmallows and seeing who can stuff the most. Suffocation. Death."

Damn, 15-year-old me was playing with fire.
And if you were thinking horses were going to get a pass in this thread, think again.
One experienced rider commented: "Riding a horse with no helmet. Concussions are no joke and will kill you. The amount of times that I see TikTok vids of kids and teens racing around on horses is horrific. Especially among Western riders. A cowboy hat will not protect your brain.
"Honestly horses in general will kill you if you aren't careful. A well placed kick to the face while picking out hind hooves is no joke. I've had a few near misses."
If you're anything like me, you're probably thanking your lucky stars that you've not been kicked in the head by a horse.
Anyhow, more than 160,000 people die every day.
That's an average of 2 people a second.
Nobody is invincible, so be careful out there.