The generosity of strangers was in full display as thousands of people dipped into their pockets to help an Air Force veteran struggling to care for his ill wife.
Now, the internet can be a very annoying place. It is full of nonsense, misinformation and quite possibly the worst hot takes ever imagined.
But now and again the internet is used to elevate and help people struggling, and to be frank, it really is beautiful.
We are all feeling a pinch on our wallets these days but one person who has really fallen on hard times was a 90-year-old Air Force veteran, Donald. (No, not the Presidential candidate, he isn't quite 90).

Donald happened to bump into a TikToker, Jenelle Marie, who helped highlight his story for her followers and people decided to do what they could to help.
They crossed paths when Marie saw Donald in a Gold and Pawn shop in Manchester, New Hampshire.
After chatting, the veteran revealed he was parting ways with his jewelry so he could pay his rent and care for his sick wife, who has recently been diagnosed with dementia. To add even more stress to this, their landlord has decided to raise the rent and Donald feared he and his wife could be evicted.
In a video posted to her page, Marie handed Donald an envelope filled with $1,300 from contributions between herself, her fiancé, and 25 other kind strangers who pitched in.
The air force vet was overwhelmed with gratitude and vowed to repay the favor with a dinner, when he could afford it.
But things only get better from here.

Following this, Marie started a GoFundMe campaign for him and it has blown up with over 13,000 donations.
As things stand, over $370,600 has been raised for Donald despite the goal only being $350,000.
So what is the money even for? Well Marie, commented that this money would just go towards helping the vet on his financial stresses, as well as help him find a new home.
On the campaign page she commented: “I'm currently looking to find him a new place to rent that is within his budget, but I was hoping I could fundraise some money to lessen his load of financial stress. Any amount would help and any resources for a one bedroom first floor apartment or house to rent would be much appreciated in the Manchester area."
In an update, on August 9, the TikToker thanked all those donated and said she and her fiancé would be sitting down with Donald and an attorney to get all the money in a safe account that he can access.
So, sounds like a happy ending all around.