The last words and final meal of a double murderer have been shared following his execution in Oklahoma.
Scott James Eizember, 62, received the death penalty after the slayings of A.J. Cantrell, 76, and his wife, Patsy Cantrell, 70, in 2003.
On Thursday (12 January), he received a lethal injection at the Oklahoma State Penitentiary in McAlester and was pronounced dead at 10:15am local time.

Prosecutors claimed Eizember broke into the Cantrells' Oklahoma home while they were out so he could lie in wait for his ex-girlfriend, who lived across the road.
The killer is said to have been surprised by the return of the couple, after which he shot and killed Patsy with a shotgun he found in their home and bludgeoned A.J. to death using the same weapon.
Eizember was convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to death for the killing of A.J, though he received a conviction of second-degree murder with a sentence of 150 years in prison for the death of Patsy, who Eizember's attorneys claim was killed while Eizember and A.J struggled over the gun.
After killing the couple, Eizember walked to his ex-girlfriend's home, shot her son in the back and attacked her mother. Both victims survived, and authorities say Eizember fled the scene in a stolen car.

He remained in hiding for more than 30 days before making his way to Arkansas and kidnapping a physician and his wife at gunpoint. It wasn't until the physician shot Eizember four times that he was caught.
On the day of his death, the Oklahoma Department of Corrections released a fact sheet which included the last meal Eizember requested - a medium rare ribeye steak and two sides of fries.
Once he was strapped to a gurney with an intravenous line inserted to deliver the lethal injection, Eizember shared his last words to the public.
In spite of the crimes he committed, the killer said: “I’m at peace. My conscience is clear, completely. I love my children.”
As he began to receive the drugs, Eizember mouthed the words 'I love you' towards his daughter who was sat in the witness room.
Johnny Melton, the nephew of A.J and Patsy, condemned the amount of time taken for 'justice to be served' as he spoke on behalf of the family following Eizember's death.
“We want to get it right and we absolutely want to ensure that everyone’s rights are protected, but the process is much too slow," he said.
Melton went on to express belief that more support is needed for those who carry out crimes, saying: “I know this is going to be a controversial statement, but I believe it to be a fact. It is the abuser who needs help. They need it when they are young. By the time the victim needs help, it’s too late.”
Topics: Crime, Food and Drink, US News