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List of countries and divorce rates show where couples stay married the most
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List of countries and divorce rates show where couples stay married the most

The countries with the least divorces might surprise you

The countries with the highest and lowest rates of divorces around the world have been revealed and the results might surprise you.

Whether you think you’ve found your prince or princess to spend the rest of your life with, nobody knows what will happen afterwards.

There could be infidelity, scandal, financial woes or constant arguments that push a couple to decide to split.

But there are some countries that struggle with divorce more than others and it’s leaving people shocked.

Take a guess at who heads the top spot and you’re probably wrong.

The countries with the lowest divorce rates

Let’s look at the lowest to see whose marriages are going strong.

This data is for 2022, and is calculated by dividing the total number of divorces by the size of the population.

The countries with the highest rates of divorce may surprise you (Getty Stock Image/Peter Dazeley)
The countries with the highest rates of divorce may surprise you (Getty Stock Image/Peter Dazeley)

The countries with the lowest divorce rates, according to are:

  • India - 0.1 divorces per 1,000 people
  • Vietnam - 0.2
  • Sri Lanka - 0.2
  • Peru - 0.2
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - 0.4
  • Malta – 0.5
  • South Africa – 0.6
  • Ireland – 0.6
  • Guatemala – 0.6
  • Venezuela – 0.7

However, rather than signs that marriages in these countries tend to be blissful, it’s important to note that figures could also consider countries where divorce is legally and financially difficult.

World Population Review writes: “It should be noted that a low divorce rate does not necessarily mean that a country's citizens have blissful, thriving marriages. In some countries, divorces may be more difficult to legally obtain, or wives may be unable to leave a bad marriage because they fear for their safety, or for their children's safety, or because they lack the financial wherewithal (or societal opportunity) to support the family on their own.

There are some key reasons why a country might have a low divorce rate (Getty Stock Images/Peter Dazeley)
There are some key reasons why a country might have a low divorce rate (Getty Stock Images/Peter Dazeley)

“In fact, if one takes the top 6 countries with the lowest divorce rates and tracks their scores on the United Nations' 2019 Gender Inequality Index (GII), they rank as follows: Sri Lanka - .401 (90th place), Guatemala - .479 (119th place), Vietnam - .296 (65th place), Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - not rated, Peru - .395 (87th place), South Africa - .406 (93rd place).”

The countries with the highest divorce rates

On the other side of the coin, these are the top ten countries with the highest divorce rates based on data from 2021:

  • Maldives – 5.52
  • Kazakhstan – 4.6
  • Russia – 4.4
  • Belarus – 3.7
  • China – 3.2
  • Cuba – 2.9
  • Finland – 2.4
  • Sweden – 2.5
  • Denmark – 2.7
  • Ukraine – 3.1

The reason these countries sit at the top of the leaderboard tends to be because they 'usually have fast and inexpensive divorce processes'.

So maybe it’s down to whether you can pull the plug or not?

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: Weddings, Sex and Relationships