Topics: Adult Industry, OnlyFans, News, Food and Drink
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Topics: Adult Industry, OnlyFans, News, Food and Drink
As far as the adult industry goes, fetish content can be pretty popular, but one OnlyFans creator is issuing a warning for people wanting to try this particular trend.
Fetishes can be harmless in some instances and don’t pose a risk to the participants. But while they tend to be role plays and costumes, when you’ve got to actually ingest something, it’s a lot different.
A woman has now come forward about how she made $1,000 for a 10-minute video and why it’s something she’s had to put clear boundaries in place for.
That type of money is something that a lot of people would agree to film themselves for, but at what cost?
Grace, who calls herself Grace Wears Lace, has five years of experience in the adult industry and doesn’t get shocked by much, but when she was asked to start doing feederism videos, she had to take a closer look at what she was getting herself into.
It all began last year when someone asked her to eat a bowl of pasta. Pretty harmless, right?
Well, maybe not so harmless in the long term.
Feederism is a fetish that sees enjoying watching others eat or be fed.
However, the amount of food they want to see can be alarming.
When she was asked, Grace thought it was a bit of fun and told news.com.au: “I was kind of humouring it and I was like, ‘Okay, let me learn some more about this’ and I ended up filming my first custom of me eating spaghetti really close to the camera.
“There wasn’t really a sexual component [to that video].”
But because she now gets repeat requests to eat on camera from the same person, and others, she’s understanding how it could turn dark.
Even though all she does is get ready, shop for the food, cook and eat with exaggerated moaning and slurping, it’s the frequency of doing it.
“It’s a lot of enjoyment for me. I love eating, I mean, who doesn’t love eating — and eating pasta as well,” she said.
“And I love knowing that I’m eating it in a way that’s going to make them really enjoy the video.”
Noting that ‘there can be a negative reputation with feederism, as it’s meant to be one of the ‘extremes’’, she explained that not getting carried away is key.
This is because it has associations with disordered eating and obesity.
She said: “I would like to highlight that you can still have fun with it and make it enjoyable and make it an experience for someone without having to go to the extreme. I’m someone who’s very much not ever going to do that.
“Feederism can be dangerous, it can create things like binge eating disorders which I never want to highlight, promote or anything like that.”
She added: “I’ve always communicated to the fans at any request that I have my boundaries and I will never push past them.
“I’m never going to make myself eat to the point where I feel so full I feel sick. I’m never going to eat certain things because I’m vegan. I’m not going to sit there and eat a Big Mac until I vomit.”