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New dating trend 'hypergamy' has already been taken up by 40% of Americans

New dating trend 'hypergamy' has already been taken up by 40% of Americans

A relationships expert has revealed why its time to say 'goodbye to ordinary dating'

When it comes to dating, US residents are fascinated with the trend of ‘hypergamy’.

If you’ve tuned into the latest season of Bridgerton on Netflix, or ever watched Desperate Housewives or Crazy Rich Asians then you should already be familiar with the idea of ‘marrying up’.

Essentially, it’s when one person from a lower socioeconomic background begins dating and later says ‘I do’ to someone of a higher social standing than themselves.

While this act is colloquially referred to as ‘dating up’, its correct name in social science is ‘hypergamy’.

According to a new study, many US residents had a positive view of this practice and admitted they were interested in finding a partner with a higher socioeconomic status to support and enhance their lives.

New data collected by Talker Research found that 43 percent of sampled Americans were initially unaware of hypergamy’s definition.

However, upon learning about the modern dating trend, 47 percent of the study claimed they had a positive perception of it.

Many looked favorably on hypergamy upon learning its definition. (Getty stock image)
Many looked favorably on hypergamy upon learning its definition. (Getty stock image)

Moreover, nearly four in 10 (39 percent) of the 2,000 polled Americans believe finding a partner that exhibits hypergamic traits can have a major or significant contribution to their personal growth and discovery.

After learning the definition of hypergamy, many survey respondents continued to list what other traits they find attractive in partners.

42 percent claimed financial stability and being able to cook were among their top traits, while 24 percent of people liked potential partners to have a nice home.

Moreover, 21 percent of those who replied to the random questionnaire said having cultured music tastes was a top trait while 20 percent said if someone had a good fashion sense it would make them attractive.

A relationships expert claims people want to 'find themselves elevated'. (Getty stock image)
A relationships expert claims people want to 'find themselves elevated'. (Getty stock image)

Regarding hypergamy, relationships expert Emma Hathorn - from the luxury dating site - explained how people usually want to date others whose ambitions match theirs.

“When people are looking for meaningful connections and relationships, they’re looking for others that can match their intellect and have ambitions in life,” she explained.

“Showcasing those ambitions and treating dates to a taste of luxury sets the bar for the relationship, it is time to say goodbye to ordinary dating.

“People want to find themselves elevated — both in the conversation itself and by being treated to something tailored to them, exclusively.”

She added that choosing a partner who complements and enhances your attributes can lead to a ‘deeply enriching and meaningful connection’.

“A great relationship is one where both people are constantly learning and growing together.”

Featured Image Credit: Getty/Henrik Sorensen/Getty/GSO Images

Topics: Sex and Relationships, US News