If you've ever looked at a jet plane engine and wondered what would happen if you ended up inside, the answer is actually quite terrifying. Don't try this at home.
Let's just say the odds of you surviving aren't in your favour. Watch the simulation below:
A simulation created by Atomic Marvel on YouTube shows all the gory details of a very possible freak accident.
The awful ordeal begins by showing the human figure being sucked into the engine before quickly disintegrated into small red particles, like a tomato in a smoothie blender.
Close-up shots show just how quickly death would arrive for the unlucky person, as they isn’t much left of the animated human within a few seconds.
And the comments section was filled with amazed viewers. There were also a lot of jokes because how else are people supposed to react to something like this?

“I like how the plane starts breakdancing at the end after killing the human,” one person wrote in response to the clip.
“Props to this guy for taking off his skin and purposefully getting sucked into a plane engine just to show us how it looks,” another YouTube viewer penned.
While a third quipped: “For everyone wondering: it's for safety reasons that if a human body gets sucked into the engine the plane automatically starts spinning around like crazy.”
One YouTube user, who said they work for an air ramp, explained how training helps them avoid situations like the one depicted in the simulation clip.
“Don’t stand in front or near an engine when the lights are flashing. If the engines need an air start, there are several people who give an all-clear before pushing air through the engine. If you need to do an engine run, there are several people in different spots to ensure no one walks near the engine before given an all-clear."

They also described their colleague’s frightening close encounter with an engine.
“Once had an employee walk in front of an engine to tell me he was next to the wing.
“When I saw him walking towards me I nearly s**t bricks and shouted at him to get away from the engine!
“The mechanics had their hands up ready for an all-clear on the air start. The guy didn’t listen and
came to me to tell me something stupid about where he was standing."
They continued: “I made him watch them turn the engine on, and you can see a gust of force push through. Told him he is lucky we didn’t send him home to his wife in a trash bag.
"After that he was no longer allowed to work on the air ramp and was forced to work in the warehouse.”
Earlier this year, Reddit users were also left feeling horrified after watching a similar simulation involving a helicopter, although not everyone was convinced by it.
Topics: News, Technology