Someone whose friend flatlined for three minutes has explained how they ‘saw what hell is like’—and their description of the so-called fiery chasm may surprise you.
You wouldn’t believe how many conflicting ideas there are when discussing what happens when you die.
Those who practise Hinduism believe a person’s soul is transmigrated into another body so they may experience another bout of life.

Meanwhile, Christians believe you either enter through the pearly gates of heaven or are punished for eternity in the burning pits of hell.
But according to one Redditor, death for their friend was a bit more of a frosty experience.
Responding to the question, ‘People who legally died for a few minutes and came back, what was it like?’, the poster claimed their pal had a three-minute taste of the afterlife.
He explained they had initially suffered a stroke after overdosing on drugs and that he’d been wheeled into an ambulance by medical professionals.
However, his heart flatlined as he was making his way to the hospital, causing medical experts to declare him clinically dead.
It’s fair to say doctors were not expecting him to rise again just three minutes later and eventually make a miraculous full recovery.
“He remembers the stroke and being wheeled to the ambulance on a stretcher,” the Redditor revealed.
“Then he felt like he was floating under ice cold water, and it was dark, but he wasn't really thinking or feeling anything emotionally, just existing and knowing it was very, very cold and he couldn't see.
"Then he woke up, and the EMTs were kind of freaked out because his heart had stopped long enough that they figured he was done.”
According to the post, the man was convinced he’d experienced ‘hell minus the knowledge of suffering’ during his three-minute death.
“Like a toned-down preview, and thought it was a warning for him to change his life,” the user mused. “Sadly he didn't stay clean for long.”
Interestingly, the OP’s friend isn’t the only person who claims to have experienced ‘hell’, with one social media user writing: “Wow this reminded me of a dream of my mom she told me about while I was a kid.
“She said she woke up, engulfed in a room of flames and people screaming. Then she blinked and it was gone. She was convinced that was a sign she was going to hell. She’s cleaned up since then and is a really good person.”
Another claimed the freezing temperatures the man allegedly experienced is ‘actually supposed to be what hell is like’.
“You're alone in the dark, aware of being alone in the dark, for eternity. No fire, no demons torturing you. Just - eternal darkness and the awareness that you're alone.”
Another took a more scientific approach to the conversation, remarking that the poster’s friend was probably ‘experiencing the most basic of sensations’.
“His brain processing the last few moments of life with the remaining energy available the best it could. The miracle is that he woke up, not what he experienced while DOA.”
Topics: Reddit, Religion, Science, Social Media