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YouTuber Billy LeBlanc fulfils girlfriend’s wish months after she died after eating meal

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YouTuber Billy LeBlanc fulfils girlfriend’s wish months after she died after eating meal

Natalie Clark passed away back in July

YouTuber Billy LeBlanc has revealed he's fulfilled 'one of the things' his late partner Natalie Clark 'always wanted' him to do.

Earlier this year in July, the YouTuber took to social media to announce the passing of his partner Natalie, who died after the pair both fell ill after eating oysters.

In a comment on his first post announcing the news, Billy told followers the pair 'both got vibrio vulnificus from raw oysters'.

The Cleveland Clinic explains: "Vibrio vulnificus is a type of bacteria that can cause a fatal infection. You get it from eating uncooked or undercooked shellfish or when seawater enters a wound."

It explains the symptoms can come on 'quickly' and notes the bacteria can indeed prove 'fatal' if left untreated.

Months on from Natalie's passing, the YouTuber has since revealed he's fulfilled 'one of the things [she] always wanted [him] to do'.

Billy said the pair got sick after eating 'raw oysters' (Instagram/@justbillyleblanc)
Billy said the pair got sick after eating 'raw oysters' (Instagram/@justbillyleblanc)

In a video uploaded to his YouTube channel last month, LeBlanc said it's not that he 'didn't want to do' Natalie's suggestion but 'it was just that she kept asking and [he] kept making excuses not to do' it.

However, months after her passing it felt like the right time to honor her suggestion - for LeBlanc to start a podcast, the video titled 'JustBillyLeBlanc Just Podcast 1'.

"And obviously I can't do a podcast, well, I mean you can do a podcast by yourself, but I was always looking for the person to do a podcast with," he continues. "So if anybody out there knows how to do a podcast from long distance, I am in Louisiana now so it'd have to be one of those things where we FaceTime each other while we do the podcast so that we can have a good repertoire with each other."

And Natalie had even thought of various questions for LeBlanc to answer on the podcast, writing them down in a notepad the YouTuber found.

LeBlanc noted he's not going to 'promise' he'll 'keep doing' the podcast but knows Natalie 'wanted' him to so will try.

The questions from Natalie include her asking LeBlanc why it's been 'so hard' to get him to do a podcast, alongside what made him 'attracted' to her.

"I think doing a podcast is more entertaining when there's more than one person," LeBlanc reflected, noting it's hard to 'play off each other,' before explaining the answer to the latter question Natalie already 'knows'.

He added that the pair were 'really similar,' shared the same sense of humor and interests and she was 'smart and funny'.

Natalie also asked him what his favorite role has been and something not many people know about him.

LeBlanc then reads out some of the comments people left for him on his recent posts, noting how 'grateful' he is for their support, particularly since Natalie's passing.

At the end of his first official podcast episode, LeBlanc resolves: "Just keep celebrating life, I'm trying day by day."

If you have experienced a bereavement and would like to speak with someone in confidence, contact The Compassionate Friends on (877) 969-0010.

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/@justbillyleblanc/Youtube/@justbillyleblanc

Topics: Sex and Relationships, Social Media, US News, YouTube, Podcast, Health