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Former world's strongest man brutally beats two TikTok influencers in a fight leaving people terrified

Former world's strongest man brutally beats two TikTok influencers in a fight leaving people terrified

Eddie Hall faced off against TikTokers The Neffati Brothers in the bizarre MMA fight

Former world's strongest man Eddie Hall took on a pair of TikTok brothers in a savage MMA fight and it went.... exactly the way you would expect.

The strongman turned media personality from Newcastle-Under-Lyme in the UK lived up to his nickname 'The Beast' in the brutal video.

Hall, 36, has switched up his workout regimen away from training for strongman competitions, where he became the first person to deadlift 500kg.

Yes, he literally deadlifted half a tonne.

The fight saw him set up against influencers the Neffati brothers in an MMA ring.

Hall threw his opponent to the ground like he weighed nothing. (World Freak Fight League)
Hall threw his opponent to the ground like he weighed nothing. (World Freak Fight League)

Perhaps unsurprisingly, both of Hall's opponents were more than a little cautious of him, trying to dance around and avoid his crushing blows, but couldn't evade him forever.

Things took a shocking twist when Hall got hold of one of his opponents who had tried to grapple one of his legs.

Showing off his terrifying strength, the strongman simply picked the grown man off his leg and threw him to the floor like a rag doll.

While that opponent recovered, the other grappled Hall's leg, before the brother thrown to the ground rushed at him, only to be met by The Beast's fist.

Medics rushed in to tend to the man after he fell to floor, before being taken out of the ring.

Following this the remaining fighter rather bravely squared up to Hall alone.

Despite his attempts to evade the strongman, it didn't take long for Hall to get to him to the floor.

Once that happened it was clearly all over, with Hall's knockout blow even giving the appearance that he was holding back quite significantly.

Eddie Hall made short work of the TikTokers (World Freak Fight League)
Eddie Hall made short work of the TikTokers (World Freak Fight League)

People watching the fight were left in awe, with one writing on Reddit: "I know it's an obvious statement to make, considering Eddie is statically one of the strongest men in history and the size of these guys... But the ease he picked up that guy and just threw him was scary, I cant even pick up my eight-year-old son like that, let alone a man."

Another said: "There was zero technique there, just strength, he just picked him up as though he were a feisty chihuahua."

This is not the first time that Hall has taken to the ring in a boxing or MMA match.

The athlete previously took on fellow World's Strongest Man champion and long-time rival Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson in a 'titan weight' boxing match dubbed the 'heaviest of all time'.

Eddie Hall managed to knock down Hafþór Björnsson. (YouTube / Serge FR)
Eddie Hall managed to knock down Hafþór Björnsson. (YouTube / Serge FR)

If that name sounds familiar, that's because Björnsson took on the role of The Mountain in Game of Thrones.

While Hall ultimately came off worse in the match, he still managed to put down the Mountain and get him against the ropes in the first couple of rounds.

So it's perhaps little surprise how someone who knocked down The Mountain fared against two regular people.

Since his strongman career, Hall has built up a following on social media with videos showing his antics out and about in his home in Newcastle and Stoke-on-Trent.

These included driving his tank around the city, including going to McDonald's for a drive-thru in the armoured vehicle, and showing how much it costs to refuel.

He also posts 'diet swap' videos, including with boxer Tommy Fury.

Featured Image Credit: World Freak Fight League

Topics: News, UK News, Celebrity, Social Media, Reddit