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Stormy Daniels labels sex with Donald Trump a 'pathetic thump' in savage burn

Stormy Daniels labels sex with Donald Trump a 'pathetic thump' in savage burn

The porn star issued a blistering takedown of the former US President shortly after he revealed he fears he'll be arrested in a few days.

Stormy Daniels has issued a brutal takedown of former US President Donald Trump.

Her savage tweet came only hours after he revealed he fears he will be arrested on Tuesday over claims he paid off the porn star in the wake of their apparently sexual relationship.

In response to a tweet mocking her alleged ménage à Trump, one Twitter user shared a bunch of laughing emojis alongside the text: "Trump hit that."

Well, Daniels wasn't impressed at being the butt of the joke, so she deftly turned it into a savage burn.

"'Hit' is very generous," she wrote, sharing the jokester's original tweet.

"I'd say more like a 'pathetic thump', but whatevs."


Talk about hitting him where it hurts.

And, rather unsurprisingly, people on Twitter lost their minds over Daniel's assessment of the former US President's alleged sexual performance.

One user said: "Oooo! That one burns!"

A second added: "She just won the internet. FOREVER."

A third commented: "Absolutely savage. Well done."

Yep, we're sure that one had to hurt.

Anyway, her blistering takedown came only hours after Trump revealed he fears he'll be arrested in a few days.

The 45th US President said that he is to be arrested ‘on Tuesday of next week’ because of allegations that he paid Daniels to stop her revealing the details of an alleged sexual relationship between the pair.

Well, that clearly didn't work out for him.

Sharing a post on his Truth Social platform, Trump said that he 'will be arrested on Tuesday of next week'.

New York law enforcement are thought to be preparing for the potential arrest of the former President, and he could be indicted over the coming weeks to appear at a court in Manhattan.

In Trump’s typically rambling post, he wrote: "Page 2: Now illegal leaks from a corrupt and highly political Manhattan district attorney's office, which has allowed new records to be set in violent crime and whose leader is funded by George Soros, indicate that, with no crime being able to be proven, and based on an old & fully debunked (by numerous other prosecutors!) fairytale, the far and away leading republican candidate and former President of the United States of America, will be arrested on Tuesday of next week," Trump wrote.

He then added: "Protest, take our nation back!"

That went famously well the last time, didn’t it?

Donald Trump was approached for comment for this story.

Featured Image Credit: Alamy.

Topics: Politics, US News, News, Donald Trump