The tallest woman in the world has now smashed three more records, including being the woman with the largest hands.
At 7ft 0.7 inches, Rumeysa Gelgi, 25, is the tallest woman on the planet, having managed to turn her height into a ‘blessing’ despite experiencing ‘challenges’.
After recently being measured, Gelgi is now also the woman with the world’s longest fingers, and owns the longest back of any female.
Her right hand measures 24.93cm long, with the average female hand usually measuring around 17cm.
Gelgi, from Safranbolu, Turkey, was born with a rare genetic disorder called weaver syndrome.
At birth, she weighed just over 13lbs and measured 59cm long – the latter being the average length of a two-month-old baby.

Gelgi’s height has created difficulties in life in a number of ways, including having to lay down flat in the back of a van rather than being able to sit in a car seat to travel.
However, she believes something that may seem like a negative to others can be turned into something beautiful if you believe and work hard enough.
Gelgi said: "My height looks like a disadvantage to other people but I have turned it into a blessing for myself.
"My uniqueness and differences are being awarded and celebrated.

"As well as being the tallest woman on earth, I have broken three more world records, including the largest hands of a female, longest fingers of a female and longest back of a female.
"I have a totally positive outlook on life, but there are challenges that come with my height.
"One of the biggest challenges that I face is transportation.

"I'm too tall to sit in a car in a regular seated position, so I have to travel in a van with a mattress in the back so that I can lay down.
"I have never been on a plane before, but I am hoping to do so this year, and I will have to travel while laying down on a stretcher.
"As a result of weaver syndrome, I suffer from scoliosis which also means that I can't sit in the same positive for too long."
By the time Gelgi was six years old, she was already 5ft 6inches, and still growing at a rapid rate.

She added: "As soon as I was born I grew very quickly.
"I was always aware of my condition but wasn't conscious of how much I stood out until I was around six years old when I was 5ft 6 inches.
"However, I was never upset or ashamed of my height because of how positive my parents taught me to be.
"It can be tough because not everywhere is accessible to me, especially as I mainly use a wheelchair or walking frame to get about.

"Finding clothes that fit me is also very difficult.
"I have to get my trousers and leggings custom-made to fit me and I buy dresses but wear them as tops.
"So, it is really limiting and hard to find clothes that I actually like and want to wear.
"I have to get custom-made shoes too and they can cost up to £100 per pair.

"My bed is also specially made for me. It is 2 metres 30cm long to make sure I can lay down and get a comfortable sleep each night.
"Although there are challenges that come with my condition and height, it has taught me so much.
"Instead of looking at it as something that is negative and causes me trouble, I just see it as something that makes me unique in the world."
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