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Woman discovers terrifying result of not changing her car’s oil for two years

Woman discovers terrifying result of not changing her car’s oil for two years

Emily described the warning lights as a 'suggestion'

A TikToker has described how she was too scared to drive her car after going two years without changing its oil.

Look, I'll be honest, I don't know anything about what goes on under the hood of a car.

I know I should, and it could save me a lot of time and money in the long run, but I don't.

I've already had the lecture, so you can save it.

This woman already knows more than me. (Getty Stock Photo)
This woman already knows more than me. (Getty Stock Photo)

The good news is, I do pay attention when warning lights come on in my car, and I do always do what's necessary to fix it.

TikToker Emily has a slightly different approach, however, and in a post shared online, she admitted she takes those lights as more of a 'suggestion'.

I can see where she's coming from - after all, the gas light is an indication that you need more gas, it doesn't mean the tank is totally and completely empty.

But generally, it's good to do something about those lights in good time. And by that, I don't mean two years.

In her post, Emily asked her followers how long they'd ever gone without getting an oil change before admitting that in the three years she'd had her car, she'd only changed the oil once.

"I always have lights on in my car," she said. "And I am mad at myself and disappointed."

Emily explained that her ordeal began two days earlier, when she got in her car and realized it was 'smoking'.

Her husband advised her to get her oil changed, but even after she obliged her car continued to smoke.

"I thought stuff just had to life, clear out," she said. "But it was driving funny, it felt heavy, it was making a rattling noise. I was like 'I think it's more than just getting my oil changed. There's something going on in here'."

When she next got in her car, Emily found that it was 'smoking so bad' that she didn't feel 'safe' driving it.

"I'm pretty sure I ruined my car," she admitted.

The engine is not supposed to smoke. (Getty Stock Photo)
The engine is not supposed to smoke. (Getty Stock Photo)

According to AXA - because I've already told you that I don't know it myself - it's important to change your car's oil approximately every every 5,000 to 7,500 miles to keep it running smoothly.

The oil helps lubricate the moving parts in the engine, and without it they'll start to rub together - causing some expensive damage.

TikTok users have been left shocked after hearing Emily's admission, with one responding: "Ohhh girl that is an expensive oopsie."

"Girl it’s the oil change that did it 100%. You live and you learn," added another.

Here's hoping it won't be another two years before Emily's car gets some new oil!

Featured Image Credit: Tiktok/@emsinggg0

Topics: TikTok, Cars, Social Media, Viral