The battle of the plane passengers commences once again, this time over... an Apple charger.
Look, we're in a cost of living crisis after all and when it comes to Apple chargers, they certainly don't come cheap. But taking to TikTok in multiple videos about it? Well, buckle in and prepare to scroll mindlessly.

A flight to Miami was delayed and so passengers were told by the pilot they could stretch their legs, but must take all their hand-held possessions with them. Alas, when a man named Ed returned to his seat, his Apple iPhone charger wasn't where he left it.
In a video shared to his TikTok, Ed claims other passengers alerted him to a blonde woman who they allegedly saw pick it up - Ed arguing he'd left it 'plugged in'.
Clearly not phased by having to spend the duration of the flight onboard with her for however many hours, Ed subsequently decided to confront her and film the interaction, sharing a clip of the conversation to TikTok.
In the video, Ed can heard asking a blonde woman who is trying to carry a suitcase down the aisle: "Excuse me, did you take my charger?"
The woman doesn't even deny it, responding: "Yeah, I have it."
And it just goes downhill from there.

The woman says she took it because they had to get off the flight and says he'll 'get it back' in 'one second,' however, Ed pushes on, demanding to know why she took it 'without permission'.
"Because no one was on the flight bro, chill the f**k out," she continues, repeating he'll 'get it back'.
Ed accuses the woman of 'stealing' despite a woman sat in front of him trying to calm him down, letting the alleged thief know she's about to be 'famous on TikTok', alongside questioning why the woman's companion is 'smiling'.
The companion calls the situation 'ridiculous', however, Ed states: "You're ridiculous. You stole something without asking [...] That is stealing, absolutely, you're giving it back because I caught you."
However, the situation has left people divided.
One TikToker wrote: "Love that you embarrassed her."
"Well, if it’s not yours, don’t take it," another added.
However, a third argued: "You could have just asked her to give it to you without creating all this drama bro!"
And a fourth wrote: "Bro, you left it. It’s up for grabs."
And the blonde woman has since spoken out on social media too.
Named Vanessa Clover, she's since taken to her own TikTok, introducing herself as 'charger thief'.
She explains the incident actually happened 'over a year ago' and so she wasn't initially going to respond, but wanted to address it as has been getting 'bombarded with harassment, flooded with death threats'.
Contrary to Ed's recollection of events, Vanessa claims she found the charger 'on the ground of an empty flight' and passengers were 'told to remove all possessions', incase they didn't end up getting back on the same plane due to 'technical issues'.
She says she showed people behind her she found the charger so wasn't being 'stealthy' and even told a stewardess she found it but was told they can't be 'liable for passenger possessions'.
Vanessa said she was holding a poorly cat in her bag at the time Ed was filming her and found him 'very aggressive and erratic' and so needed a minute. She did reflect she could have 'acted more gracefully' and acted 'imperfectly' like Ed did too.
She also addresses a follow-up video shared by the man which claims he was given the option to press charges, which he turned down. However, Vanessa claims that's 'just a bold faced lie', accusing him of continuing to yell at her after she returned the charger and him nearly getting thrown off the plane.
Vanessa resolved: "I don't wish any ill upon this man and I hope that we can all kind of move on with our lives here."
UNILAD has contacted Ed and Vanessa for comment.
Topics: Social Media, TikTok, Travel, Apple, Technology