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'Time traveller' from the year 3000 warns exactly when aliens will contact the US navy

'Time traveller' from the year 3000 warns exactly when aliens will contact the US navy

There's not long to wait, apparently

A self-proclaimed time traveller 'from the year 3000' has predicted when the US Navy will come into contact with aliens - and there's not long to wait, apparently.

Time Traveller 3000, as they call themselves on TikTok, has amassed more than 12,000 followers with their various warnings about key dates to look out for in the future.

We should point out that a number of so-called time travellers have come out of the woodwork of late, and so far none of their prophecies have come true.

So it's safe to say we can take what they claim with a hefty grain of salt.

All that being said, the aliens angle seems to be a good bet considering the sheer amount of unexplained sightings in recent years.

In 2021, leaked footage showing UFOs gathering above a US Navy warship was confirmed as authentic by the Pentagon.

And in August 2022, Congress inadvertently said in a report that sightings of UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenons), as they're now officially named, aren't all man made.

Whether or not this means we'll be making contact with extraterrestrial life is yet to be seen, but Time Traveller 3000 reckons this will be happening pretty damn soon.

In the clip, footage from the official US government video of a UAP encounter - taken aboard a Navy fighter jet in 2004 - plays in the background alongside ominous music.

Will the US Navy make contact with UAPs this month?

Text over the video reads: "In November 2022 the US Navy will come in contact with UFOs from the ocean."

Following this, the TikTok time traveller made a number of other predictions including Donald Trump announcing a 2024 presidency run in January next year.

Considering this has been in the rumour mill of late after the former POTUS hinted at his intentions during a recent rally in Alaska, this one isn't beyond the realms of possibility.

They also went on to suggest that Kansas will be hit with an F5 tornado in February 2023, 'killing hundreds of people'.

Again, this could very well happen, with the southeast of the US still picking up the pieces after the devastation caused by Hurricane Ian.

Although the TikToker's forecasts are a little more realistic than, say, a zombie apocalypse, not everyone is convinced.

"Stop the ball crap," wrote one, while another questioned why it's 'always the US that finds these things out first'.

"Tell me the numbers for power ball tomorrow night," joked a third.

The self-proclaimed time traveller reckons there'll be a devastating tornado in Kansas next year.

Others suggested that the US Navy has 'already been in contact with them for decades'.

But there are some supporters for the 'time traveller', especially after they recently released an e-book which claims to tell the 'truth about aliens, UFOs and the future'.

"I just wanted to say I purchased and read your book on Amazon, really interesting," wrote a fan. "Excited for what other predictions you have in store."

Whether their alien ideas will come true is yet to be seen, but maybe don't hold your breath.

Featured Image Credit: Troy GB images/Photo 12/Alamy Stock Photo

Topics: UFO, US News, Aliens, TikTok