A man has been praised on social media for refusing to swap seats with someone.
There's always someone somewhere complaining about another person not swapping seats on a plane with them.
Earlier this month, one woman sparked an online debate after explaining that she refused to move seats so that a seven-year-old kid could look out of the window.
The woman in question has lupus and said that she often books a window seat so that she can lean on the side of the plane and sleep, as her condition makes her tired.

But shortly into the flight, a dad asked if she would swap seats with his son as it was his first flight and the youngster wanted to look at the views.
As a compromise, she offered to leave the blind open so that the boy could look out and she'd used her eye mask to block out the light.
The child and father continued to complain about the situation, but she refused to move - and her decision to do so left people divided on Reddit.
And now, another Redditor has taken to the social media platform to share their own experience where a mother tried to get him to give up his economy plus seat that he'd paid extra for.

According to the Redditor, the mother wanted her nine-year-old son to sit with her, but rather than her going to where her son was (who was not in economy plus), she wanted him to come to sit with her.
The guy went on to recall: "I ask how much cash she has to repay me for the money I spent on the seat, she says I'm cruel for leaving her son with anxiety sitting alone.
"I ask if she offered the person sitting next to her son her seat in economy plus, she said she 'needed the leg room'."
The man then proceeded to call out the mother for prioritizing her comfort over her son's wellbeing and ultimately made her cry.
Eventually the guy who was sat next to her son comes and sits next to him.
He then asked if he is the a**hole, however, many people decreed that he wasn't, as one person replied: "Everyone knows that if you're looking to swap seats, you always offer the better seat to the person you're inconveniencing."
"This is probably something she has done before," suggested someone else.
While a different person went as far as saying the guy was 'doing the lord’s work'.
"Don't feel bad about her tears. They weren't real anyway," someone else added.
Topics: Reddit, Social Media, Travel, Parenting