A TikToker has opened up about some of the biggest 'culture shocks' she's had after moving from the US to the UK.
The TikToker - who goes by the username @schlond.poofaa - took to the platform last month to reveal the biggest differences she's noticed since moving from New Jersey to Wales.
And it's fair to say the student has had to get used to some pretty big changes. Don't worry UKers, it's - surprisingly - not just bad things the student's noticed:
The first big change Em's had to adjust to is a 'little thing with old people' in the UK, with the student noticing 'a lot of old ladies here dye their hair pink or purple'.
"I don't know why, I guess it's just like a little trend for them," she says. "And that is the perfect thing to do with white hair."
And that's not the only positive Em has to say about UK life either, although her next point is slightly more controversial.

According to the TikToker, 'everything is less expensive' in the UK.
"And I am taking into account the exchange rate. [...] Like I got a steak, £3.99 which is roughly $5. And I'm like that's crazy, because [...] back home that would be $10-$15," she adds.
Which granted, is likely true, especially with Em being a student in Wales, however, I'm not sure everyone would see the UK's prices as a positive, particularly Londoners.
The food comparisons don't stop there either, Em noting 'all bacon' in the UK is Canadian bacon.
However, Em isn't as much of a fan of the 'soggy' type of bacon, nor the 'weird' pizza either and she finds it strange how Walkers crisps are the same as Lays but with a different name.

Another alarming shock to the system for Em was that some kids in the UK 'curse at their parents'.
Thankfully, she saw the funny side when she realised people in the UK mock the American accent as much as Americans mock the British accent.
Although she can't understand what some people in the UK are saying that well - or maybe it's just those with a Welsh accent around where she now lives - with Em noting 'diction doesn't seem to be a big thing here'.
And overall, Em claims that people in the UK are just more rude, with her noticing that when she goes into stores she's not greeted as often.
She says: "In America we're very fake friendly, not many people here are fake friendly. A lot of people are grumpy."
Oh, and according to Em, 'everybody hates Liverpool for some reason'.
Well, that sums up the UK rather well I think.
Topics: Social Media, TikTok, UK News, US News