US news anchor Julie Chin says she suffered 'the beginnings of a stroke' on live TV.
The scary incident took place on a Saturday morning (3 September) show of Oklahoma NBC affiliate KJRH, in which the anchor lost partial vision in one eye and experienced a numb sensation in her arm.
Watch the incident unfold below:
Yesterday (5 September), in an emotional Facebook post, she gave us an update on how she's doing, saying the past few days 'are still a little bit of a mystery', but her 'doctors believe she had the beginnings of a stroke live on the air Saturday morning'.
"Some of you witnessed it firsthand, and I’m so sorry that happened," Chin explained.
"The episode seemed to have come out of nowhere. I felt great before our show. However, over the course of several minutes during our newscast, things started to happen.
"First, I lost partial vision in one eye. A little bit later my hand and arm went numb. Then, I knew I was in big trouble when my mouth would not speak the words that were right in front of me on the teleprompter.
"If you were watching Saturday morning, you know how desperately I tried to steer the show forward, but the words just wouldn’t come."
She added: "My co-workers recognized the emergency situation unfolding and called 911. Anne, Jordan, TJ, and Kaden, I’m so grateful for your quick action. I’ve always said I work on the best team, and this is one more reason why.
"I’ve spent the last few days in the hospital undergoing all sorts of tests. I’m thankful for the emergency responders and medical professionals who have shared their expertise, hearts, and smiles with me.
"My family, friends, and KJRH family have also covered me in love and covered my shifts. My Dad jokes this is the first extended period of time I’ve spent by myself since my son was born, and he’s right.
"I’m glad to share that my tests have all come back great. At this point, Doctors think I had the beginnings of a stroke, but not a full stroke.
"There are still lots of questions, and lots to follow up on, but the bottom line is I should be just fine."
The news anchor also said that 'in a few days, I'll be back at the desk sharing the stories I love with the community I love'.
"Thank you all for loving me and supporting me so well," she added.
If you suspect you or someone else is having a stroke, phone 999 immediately and ask for an ambulance. Even if the symptoms disappear while you're waiting for the ambulance, it's still important to go to hospital for an assessment.