A beer bottle with an eerie message from the past has been discovered inside the walls of a house, almost 70 years after it was placed there.
The green Gunther bottle was hidden within the walls of a home in Delaware back in 1955, and was just recently found by a man conducting a hazardous material survey on the house, which dates back more than 100 years.
'This bottle was put here by the plumber on 3/25/55,' the message scribbled on the label of the bottle reads.
That means the note, which was written on a bottle of Gunther Beer, was written just five years before Gunther Brewing Company stopped brewing in 1960, when it was bought by Hamm's Brewing Company.

David, who found the bottle, told Newsweek he has "never found anything like it after 17 years and over 3000 demolition inspections of every type of building or facility you can think of."
At first he was slightly alarmed, as he believed the bottle may be filled with urine, which he says he has seen many times throughout his career, explaining: "Drywall workers are notorious for this as they work hard and do not get many breaks."
Fortunately, he soon realised the bottle was actually empty, and the whole team were 'blown away' by what he had discovered.
"We thought it was pretty cool, then we noticed the note on it and were blown away," he said.
"We all stopped working to admire it and speculate about its origin, the plumber, and what was going on in the year 1955.We all took photos of it to show friends."

David and the team were inspecting the old home, which is said to be in 'poor condition', before it is demolished to make way for a parking lot.
In fact, he described the whole home as being like a 'time capsule' which was "complete with the bathroom mirror cabinets, which had a hole to deposit used disposable razor blades behind the wall."
Taking to Reddit's Mildly Interesting forum, David decided to share his discovery and was met with fascinating comments from people who had unearthed other interesting finds.
"I found one in my home when remodeling. It was in the bathroom," one Reddit user explained.
"There was a note from 1912 when the house was built, one from 1945 when it was remodeled; talked a lot about the war and how their son died, one from 1976, and then the one from 2014 that I left. All the same jar."
Topics: US News, Food and Drink