Topics: Wildfires, Social Media, Viral, Los Angeles, Twitter
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A prominent news anchor has been on the receiving end of some tough criticism while reporting from the scene of LA wildfires.
ABC News anchor David Muir is being slammed on Twitter as users call him a 'loser' and a 'narcissist' for his apparent choice of clothing while reporting on the ongoing wildfire situation in Los Angeles.
LA declared a state of emergency this week as the fires rampaged through acres of land in a matter of hours on Tuesday, prompting a mass evacuation order of more than 130,000 residents.
As dry conditions and high winds have only fanned the ferocious flames, footage on social media show homes and businesses continue to burn in scenes that look something straight out of an apocalyptic movie.
While LAFD continue to battle the deadly blaze, reporters from across the world have been deployed to the area to report on the devastation, albeit from much safer distances.
Yet Muir's clip, set to the backdrop of a fire-ravaged Palisades, has seemingly gone viral for all the wrong reasons.
While wearing a yellow flame-retardant jacket in his broadcast, eagle-eyed viewers spotted he was using clamps to cinch his jacket in at the back.
The host of World News Tonight with David Muir started his segment on the tragedy saying: "As you can see here behind me," and as he does so, turns to point to the rubble - which exposes his alleged fashion faux pas and unusual accessory.
As he points to the scene, a wooden peg can be seen on the back of his jacket, apparently tightening the jacket in at his waist.
Jack Osbourne slammed the anchor's look, writing on social media: "Nice Jacket Bro. Glad you look nice and svelte with those clothes line pegs, while our city burns to the ground."
Osbourne even tagged Elon Musk in his scathing comment.
And Osbourne wasn't the only one to have thrown in their two cents on the 'look'.
One Twitter user described the anchor as 'an absolute tool' while others weighed in the 'embarrassing' outfit made him look like a 'loser' and a 'narcissist'.
Amongst the hurl of insults, a woman commented: "It actually looks ridiculous cinched that tightly."
Another wrote: "Sorry, not being nice here. He thinks he looks good. The fact that he cares how he looks at a time like this is really something."
"Lol, the vanity in LA never takes a pause," a third enraged viewer added.
"Wow! He's like, 'does this jacket make me look fat? Get me some clothes line pegs, stat!'" penned another.
However, dozens of others have jumped to Muir's defence, pointing out the wind would have made his jacket flap and 'given his sound tech an aneurysm' while broadcasting, referring to the sound interference with his microphone.
Media personality Brenna Morello simply said: "We all do this in TV. Nothing new."
The latest criticism comes as Muir was slammed by Conservatives when he moderated a debate last summer, during which critics noted he interrupted Donald Trump five times while leaving Democratic nominee Kamala Harris alone.
Meanwhile in LA, NBC News reports at least five people in one of the most serious wildfires LA has ever experienced.