A baseball flies at you reaching a speed of up to 120mph... what do you do?
Well, if you're the Los Angeles Dodgers bat boy, you catch it as cool as you like with your bare hands, all while protecting your teams prize asset in the meantime.
Incredible footage which has gone viral depicts Javier Herrera saving Shohei Ohtani, the current world number one according to ESPN, from taking a foul ball to the face.
Herrara casually jumped into action during Wednesday's (June 26) away game against the Chicago White Sox, which the Dodgers won 4-0, and the smoothness left the Japanese star's interpreter, Will Ireton, in awe.
The video of the catch was posted on Reddit and users have gone crazy for the seven-second clip.
One person commented: "That’s no bat-boy. That’s a bat MAN!"
While another said: "My man just got a raise or nice bonus on his check this week."
Responding to the Redditor, a third wrote: "He deserves it after protecting the Dodgers’ 700 million dollar investment. Perhaps a pizza party?"

But while Herrera's catch, which he played off by simply nodding his head and throwing the ball to someone behind him, received all the plaudits, it was Ireton that people found hilarious.
Speaking about his reaction, one user said: "My man in the Nike shirt on the left still hasn’t closed his mouth."
A second replied: "I watched it loop about five times laughing at that guy. His facial expression is great. Plus how everyone ducks and panics hahaha."
The comments about the newly dubbed 'batman' just got better, and better, and better.
"Batboy played it perfectly. Your hands may be stinging like hell from that but you don't show it. Scream on the inside. Comes off way cooler and the stories told in the future will be 10x better," a third wrote.

While a fourth commenter mentioned: "The most elite baseball players in the world ducking and dodging (lol) while the ball boy just causally bare hands it and hands it to a fan lmao."
Someone else joked: "Can we talk about the sheer confidence in that fan handoff? Like he does this everyday. I'm now pregnant from watching that and I am a man."
While another person stated: "I'm pretty sure his job description would require him to throw himself on a live grenade if necessary to protect Ohtani."
Javier Herrera hats off to you, take a bow - incredible!