In a bizarre crime, workers at a radio station arrived at their building at work to find they had been victims of quite a big theft.
Workers at a radio station in Jasper, Alabama, had to report a crime to the police that I’m sure was difficult to believe.
Almost like a scene out of the Despicable Me film, staff discovered that the 200-foot tall radio tower that sits atop their building was stolen. The building itself was also vandalized, presumably by the same brazen thieves.
Staff learnt of the theft last week Friday (February 2) as they came to the building to clean up before doing some work.
Writing on Facebook, radio station WJLX 101.5 FM gave an explanation of the incident.
“This is going to get out eventually, so I might as well make it public before it does. I have heard of thieves in this area stealing anything, but this one takes the cake,” the social media post read.
“This morning, my bush hog crew went down to a tower site we have behind MarJac to do an early cleanup of the property before we did some more work down there.
“When he arrived, he called and notified me that not only was my building vandalized, but my TWO HUNDRED FOOT TOWER WAS GONE! They stole every piece of equipment out of the building, cut the guy wires to the tower and SOMEHOW managed to down a 200' tower and take it from the property.”
Station General Manager Brett Elmore also explained his shock at the incident and is now convinced he has heard it all.
“I have tried all weekend to figure it out and I just can’t,” he said.
“I have been around the radio business all my life, been in it 26 years professionally and I can say I have never heard of anything like this, I have seen it all now.”
“When [staff] arrived he called me on Friday and said the tower is gone. I said ‘what do you mean the tower is gone?’ I was like ‘are you sure you are at the right place?’
“He said no, the tower is gone, there are wires everywhere and it is good.
“This really hurts a small operation like this but like I say, I believe we are going to find out who did this, it is a federal crime and it absolutely will not be worth it for them.”
Anyone with information is asked to contact the Jasper Police Department 205-221-2121.