What should have been a good bit of luck almost ended up costing a woman her life.
Kentucky woman Renne Parsons said she quickly felt numb all over after finding a $1 bill and picking it up from the floor.
Parsons ended up being hospitalized after the incident and likely gave her husband the fright of his life.
After thankfully making a recovery, Parsons took to social media to explain her story.
While driving in Nashville, Tennessee with her husband Justin and their children on July 10 2022, they chose to stop off at a McDonald's to use the bathroom in what should have been any normal day.
Talking on Facebook, she explained: “We stopped at McDonald’s and while I stand with my 3 month old baby, and wait for my husband so I could go to the bathroom, I see a dollar bill on the ground.
"Thinking absolutely nothing of it - I picked it up. Holding it in my hand I look around and contemplate giving it to the little girl I saw.
"Right then my husband comes out of the bathroom and I throw the dollar in my pocket, hand him the baby, run to the bathroom.
"I wash my hands and I don’t dry them all the way. I go out to meet them and start to walk to the car a minute or so later."
She added: "Meanwhile, I did grab the dollar out of my pocket, held it and then put it in my car door. As I did that I told my husband how lucky I was to find a random dollar.
"Then I grabbed a wipe to wipe off my hands bc I remembered him telling me not to pick up money off the ground as people have been putting it in fentanyl.
"As he began to somewhat lecture me It hit me like a ton of bricks.
"All of a sudden I felt it start in my shoulders and the feeling was quickly going down my body and it would not stop. I said, 'Justin, please help me. I'm not kidding I feel really funny'.
"I grab his arm not thinking and then my body went completely numb, I could barely talk and I could barely breath. I was fighting to stay awake as Justin was screaming at me to stay awake and trying to talk to 911 and find the closest fire station or hospital."
Due to the quick thinking of medical staff, Parsons began to start feeling somewhat normal after a few hours and some meds.
She continued:"The police officer that came to take our report told us it was one of two things; either the dollar bill was accidentally dropped and it had been used to cut and or store the drugs or it was purposely left with drugs on it. Either way, this is absolutely real and sad.
“If it wasn’t for [my husband’s] his love and determination and Gods plan’s, I wouldn’t be here. The morale, I don’t care if it’s a $20 bill or a $100 bill do not touch it!!!"