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Security guard assaulted while on-duty quits job on live TV after manager blames him

Security guard assaulted while on-duty quits job on live TV after manager blames him

Austin official Percy Payne was recounting an alleged assault when he was confronted by his boss

A Texas security guard resigned from his position live on TV after his boss reprimanded him for recounting his assault story in uniform.

Percy Payne, an official working in East Austin, was answering an interview request regarding his recent assault on Thursday (June 27).

He explained to FOX 7 Austin that he had been working the late shift at an office building on East 6th and Brushy Streets on Monday (June 24) when he noticed two suspicious figures heading inside a private parking garage.

He recounted that the young assailants had rocked up to the lot on electric scooters and had been ‘messing’ with his personal car.

Payne claims that the youths - thought to be around 17 to 20 years old - were trying to steal his vehicle and when he confronted them, one tried to ‘run him over’ with his scooter.

“I heard one of the individuals say ‘hold him’ and that’s when he went for the screwdriver to try and stab me,” the security guard said. “I let them go and immediately went to get my work phone to call 911.”

While recounting the horrific ordeal, which is now being investigated by police as an aggravated assault, Payne was interrupted live on air by his supervisor.

Percy Payne's supervisor 'blamed him' for the assault. (FOX 7 Austin)
Percy Payne's supervisor 'blamed him' for the assault. (FOX 7 Austin)

According to the news outlet, the woman walked up to the interviewer and her employee and ‘asked him to stop talking while on the job’.

“We’re very sorry that happened to you,” she could be heard saying. “But we have a policy here and you’re not supposed to do any interviews in your uniform. If you want to do this as a private citizen you can.”

Payne said that he ‘understood’ where the woman was coming from but claimed he was conducting the interview in his uniform for ‘safety’ reasons.

The pair’s fiery debate continued, but when the assault victim asked his supervisor if the incident was his ‘fault’, she could be heard saying: “I would say yes, every bit of it is your fault.”

The security guard claimed he didn't 'regret' his decision to quit. (FOX 7 Austin)
The security guard claimed he didn't 'regret' his decision to quit. (FOX 7 Austin)

Seemingly having enough of the confrontation, Payne conducted the rest of the interview in civilian clothes before exiting the property.

“The fact my supervisor basically told me it was my fault that I got assaulted? That told me everything that I needed to know,” he concluded.

Following the report, the news outlet claimed that Payne ‘didn’t regret’ his decision to step down from his role.

They added that a spokesperson from Priebe Security said they were aware of the incident and were ‘looking into the situation’ further.

UNILAD has contacted Priebe Security for further comment.

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/FOX 7 Austin

Topics: Police, Crime, Film and TV, US News, Texas