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Woman mistakes photo on Facebook for a picture of herself which leads to a chilling discovery

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Woman mistakes photo on Facebook for a picture of herself which leads to a chilling discovery

Jules and Robynne look almost identical and live only 20 minutes from each other

A woman made a shocking discovery online when she came across a photo of a woman who looked 'like her twin'.

Jules Batchelor, from Massachusetts, couldn't believe her eyes when she saw an image of Robynne DeCaprio on social media.

The women, who are both 42, only live 20 minutes apart and ended up meeting via a mutual friend who believed they were doppelgängers.

And the resemblance is pretty striking, with Jules (who actually already has a twin sister) and Robynne sharing near identical features.

On Facebook, Jules wrote: "This is WILD to me. I have a twin sister but this is not her.

"This woman lives one town away and we are mistaken for one another constantly. I think it is the most fascinating thing! I wish I had better photos because we look eerily alike!"

Jules even showed a picture of Robynne to her dad, who apparently didn't realise the woman he was looking at wasn't his daughter.

The women look almost identical (Kennedy News and Media)
The women look almost identical (Kennedy News and Media)

Speaking about the moment the pair met in person for the first time, Jules added: "We were very friendly and had a good laugh. We are both busy mums but we are certainly friendly and we get a kick from the whole thing.

"When I met her for the first time I hugged her and said it was amazing to finally meet each other.

"It's a strange feeling. How does that happen? It's a weird phenomenon and I'm fascinated by it.

"It was a little creepy. I have been told I look like her for a really long time so when I finally met her I was astonished when I looked her in the eye.

"People always know that my twin sister and I are related for sure, but they would never look at a picture and wonder who is who. I find it really interesting that there is more than one of my lookalikes."

People constantly ask the women if they would ever get a DNA test to see if they are in any way related, but they believe it is simply coincidence.

"I think it's just a coincidence, I don't think there's a deeper meaning. It's definitely funny we live so close to each other," said Robynne.

People were shocked by the resemblance (Kennedy News and Media)
People were shocked by the resemblance (Kennedy News and Media)

"I think it's funny. I don't see it, but people keep confusing us so we must look alike.

"I would be out at a bar or the grocery store and people would say hi to me and I'd have to tell them I'm not Jules.

"This guy at the grocery store started following me around because he refused to believe me."

Jules explained that while they look so similar, they don't share the 'same mannerisms' like she does with her twin.

But it seems people aren't convinced, with one writing online: "This is a real doppelganger!

"Not comparing folk who just happen to do their makeup like some celebrity... Congratulations on finding yours!"

Another said: "I thought I was looking at four photos of the same person for a sec."

Featured Image Credit: Kennedy News and Media

Topics: US News, Social Media, Weird