Baba Vanga's predictions for the next 3,000 years are definitely something to worry about.
Vanga, who was also known as Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova, was a Bulgarian mystic and healer and died in 1996.
But before she passed away, Vanga shared her predictions for the future - and several of them have been correct.
From Princess Diana's death to the 9/11 attacks, numerous allegations made by Vanaga went on to become true.
As for next year, it doesn't look great.
From more war in Europe and aliens coming to Earth, to scientists starting to grow human organs in laboratories, a heck of a lot will happen in 2025, according to Vanga.
But it's not just 2025 that she's made predictions about, but the next 3,000 years - including when humans will have to leave Earth.
This is the year that humans will expand space exploration to Venus, Indy100 reports of Vanga's forecast.
Her prediction comes despite Venus being seen as 'an unlikely place for human exploration' for many experts because of the planet's ' extreme and deadly conditions'.
According to The Planetary Society, even the most advanced spacesuits wouldn't protect astronauts. But who knows, maybe this could change in the near future...

According to Vanga, 2033 is when the polar ice caps will melt following years of climate change.
Her theory is backed by the World Wide Fund for Nature, which says that the Arctic could be ice-free in the summer by 2040.
The organization says we lose 13 percent of Arctic sea ice each decade.
Communism will spread in 2076, Vanga has predicted. This won't just be in Soviet states either, but across the globe.
As in stands, only five countries are currently communist states: China, Cuba, Laos, Vietnam, and North Korea.
As seen in Simon Pegg and Nick Frost's 2011 movie Paul, 2130 will supposedly be the year we make contact with aliens.
Similar to Vanga, a group of scientists at the University of California, Los Angeles, said last year that they think extraterrestrials will make contact with us in 2029.
The experts believe that aliens might have intercepted a signal sent to the probe in 2002, and a return signal is expected to reach Earth in five years time, Earth.com reported.

This year is forecast to bring a global drought to Earth. The risk of a worldwide drought has been exacerbated in the wake of global warming.
The warmer the country, the more likely it will be to face such a harsh conditions in the future. As per S&P Global, Egypt, for example, is 'projected to be the most exposed by the 2050s, with almost 80 percent of the decade projected to be in severe or extreme drought conditions'.
A few decades on from finally making contact with aliens, humans will reportedly war with a civilization on Mars, says Vanga.
It isn't clear if it will be us or them or start the conflict.
1,773 years from now, humans will supposedly have to evacuate Earth because it will have become inhabitable.
In contrast, Steven Hawking said back in 2017 that the human race would have to leave the planet we call home within just 600 years.
"We are running out of space and the only places to go to are other worlds. It is time to explore other solar systems," he told Futurism at the time.
"Spreading out may be the only thing that saves us from ourselves. I am convinced that humans need to leave Earth."
Topics: Baba Vanga, Aliens, News, Earth, Life, Climate Change, Space