Home ownership may be little more than a pipe dream for many younger people, but a video online has revealed one way which could provide an alternative.
It's less expensive than buying a whole house, and could provide a way to live comfortably without being beholden to a landlord or letting agency.
If you read that sentence and immediately think that this about as likely as buying prime real estate on the Moon, then perhaps take a look.
That's because it's a rather attractive looking 'home pod' with some rather nice mod cons included.
These can depend on which lay-out of the house you choose, with some having a bedroom and separate living and kitchen areas.
The pre-fabricated home even comes with a covered balcony area for enjoying a bit of outdoor space.
You can also add in extra bits around the home when you situate it, with some ideas including decking, gardens, and even a pool/jacuzzi.
That all sounds very lovely, but what's the catch?

Well, it turns out that the cost of buying the pre-fab house is not the only cost associated with buying the actual house itself.
You would also need to make sure that you had somewhere to actually put the house, so you'd have to secure a plot of land which can be tricky and, of course, expensive.
There's also potential planning permissions or licensing to put the house on any piece of land as well, though this would vary according to local planning regulations.
You would also have to think about getting the home hooked up to mains water and electricity supplies or think about how you would be sourcing these, adding another expense.
But all this pales into insignificance when placed next to another cost on the website selling the home.
It might be affordable to buy the house, but you still need to pay have the house delivered.
So, what's the shipping cost for this charming pre-fab house?

Well it's nothing too high, just a cool $393,000 according to AliExpress.
Ah. Nevermind about about the affordability side of it then!
Nonetheless, this particular static caravan may come with an eye-watering delivery cost, but you could still look into other options which are a little closer to home and avoid that delivery fee.
Many people took to the comments to share their thoughts on the pre-fab, with one writing: "It's the shipping that gets you every time. Darn."
A second commented: "Did you see the shipping cost 10x the cost of the house," while another joked: "I’ll pick it up."
But not everyone was concerned by that, with one person writing: "I’d actually live here."
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