A so-called 'hypervaccinated' man who's had 217 Covid jabs didn't experience a single side effect from the injections.
Since medics began encouraging everyone to vaccinate themselves against Covid-19 and to stay on top of their booster shots, most pro-vaccine patients will have received around three or four of the injections.
Just like the flu jab, Covid-19 vaccines help to reduce your risk of catching and spreading the virus, as well as helping to prevent you from getting seriously ill or even dying as a result.
There are a number of different types of vaccines available, and one man from Germany has gone to extreme measures to protect himself with the help 217 jabs he received in the span of 29 months between June 2021 and November 2023.
For reference, that's an average of one jabs every four days.
The 62-year-old man was the subject of a story published in a newspaper which discussed his numerous jabs, after which researchers from University of Erlangen-Nuremberg got in touch and asked if they could study his body's response.

Dr Kilian Schober explained: “We then contacted him and invited him to undergo various tests in Erlangen. He was very interested in doing so.”
After meeting with the man, researchers were able to see official confirmation for 134 of the vaccinations, which included eight different vaccines. The remaining 83 were self-reported.
Explaining he had the large number of vaccines done for 'private reasons', the man said he had not reported any vaccine-related side effects.
There were also 'no signs' that he had ever been infected with the virus that causes Covid-19, proven by antigen and PCR testing between May 2022 and November 2023.
In the study published in the journal Lancet Infectious Diseases, the researchers looked at previous blood tests the man had given and examined blood samples as he went on to receive further vaccines.

Schober revealed that the results backed up the man's claim that he hadn't suffered any side effects, as they explained: "The observation that no noticeable side-effects were triggered in spite of this extraordinary hypervaccination indicates that the drugs have a good degree of tolerability."
While you might think that having so many shots could build up a tolerance and become pointless, the researchers actually found that the man's immune system was fully functional, and that certain immune cells and antibodies against the virus which causes Covid-19 were present in considerably higher levels than people who have received just three jabs.
“Overall, we did not find any indication for a weaker immune response, rather the contrary,” Katharina Kocher, one of the leading study authors, said.
However, Schober stressed that the results are only based on this particular man's case, and shouldn't be applied to the masses.
“The benefit is not much bigger if you get vaccinated three times or 200 times,” Schober explained.
Topics: Health, Coronavirus, World News, Germany