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'Living Nostradamus' claims two more of his chilling predictions have come true this year

'Living Nostradamus' claims two more of his chilling predictions have come true this year

The fortune-teller alleged to have previously predicted the coronavirus pandemic

A self-proclaimed fortune teller who goes by the name 'Living Nostradamus' has claimed that two of his eerie predictions have come true this year.

Living Nostradamus, whose real name is Athos Salomé, is a Brazilian paranormal expert and soothsayer.

He famously claims to have accurately predicted a slew of worldly events including the coronavirus pandemic, Queen Elizabeth II's death, and Elon Musk buying Twitter.

Two of Athos Salomé's predictions have apparently come true. (Instagram/@athos_salome)
Two of Athos Salomé's predictions have apparently come true. (Instagram/@athos_salome)

It now seems that his prediction streak has continued, with Salomé claiming that two more of his prophecies have come true.

In an interview with the Daily Mail, Salomé shared that he predicted the planned cyberattacks targeting the 2024 Paris Olympics and corporate espionage in several sectors.

"Events of such magnitude like Olympics would be the ideal attack targets, capable of causing disturbances in the existing order," he told the outlet.

He predicted the cyberattack targeted toward the Olympics. (Instagram/@athos_salome)
He predicted the cyberattack targeted toward the Olympics. (Instagram/@athos_salome)

"It correctly demonstrates my hypothesis when the French authorities acted quickly and increased its cybersecurity measures," Salomé continued.

"This is further indication that there is need for adequate and efficient measures of cyberspace protection during significant global occasions."

Salomé also shared that he anticipated the rise of corporate espionage.

"My warnings about corporate espionage in the biotech and healthcare sectors are coming true as North Korean hacker groups, Kimsuky and Andariel, target these industries to fund Kim Jong Un’s policies," he said.

He also warned against a rise in corporate espionage. (Instagram/@athos_salome)
He also warned against a rise in corporate espionage. (Instagram/@athos_salome)

"This incident proves I was right, cryptocurrency platforms are susceptible to cyber-attacks and can influence financial markets."

Salomé had previously accurately predicted that 2024 would see 'three days of darkness.'

He anticipated that a 'solar flare would hit Earth, and that a coronal mass ejection (CME) was ahead of us.'

A Coronal Mass Ejection is when the Sun ejects a plasma mass and magnetic field.

It is a typical occurrence on the Sun and happens every few days or so, however most of the time it isn't large enough to affect Earth - or if it is - Earth usually isn't in its path.

Low and behold as Salomé had anticipated, a CME was observed to take place on March 24, 2024.

It was a 'major X-class' believed to have been the largest solar storm since 2017. While it didn't cause three days of darkness, Salomé was right about the unprecedented solar flare.

Featured Image Credit: Facebook/Athos Salomé/Getty Stock Image

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