A landlord has spoken out after he tried to kick tenants out who owe him nearly $10,000 but had the police called on him.
Last week, news arose of a Airbnb 'tenant from hell' refusing to leave a landlord's Los Angeles guesthouse and squatting there for over 500 days, and it's not the first time a tenant has run rings around a homeowner, with another incident taking place in Singapore.
One family moved into a 60-year-old's property, but a year later, had still only paid enough money for one month's rent.
The landlord explained a family signed a one-year lease for his property in July 2019 and paid 'one month's rent' prior to moving in.
Over a year later and the tenants allegedly still hadn't sent him a dollar - the lease for at least 15 months exceeding NT (New Taiwan dollars) $60,000 (US $8,000), Asia One reports.
He told Chinese Daily in 2020: "Every time I ask for money from them, they give all sorts of reasons to evade payment.
"They say their money is overseas and can't be transferred over, or that they have millions of dollars confiscated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. They even said they want to buy the unit from me."

The landlord said the tenants argued they were withholding rent because they'd experienced several issues while living in the apartment - a faulty lock and a leak.
However, the landlord insisted these complaints only followed when the tenants failed to pay the rent and he also spent NT $200,000 (US $6,000) renovating the property just before they moved in, as per Asia One.
Despite the initial one-year lease expiring and the landlord complaining, the family remained in the property.
In an attempt to 'scare' the tenants out of the apartment, the landlord placed a metal chain and lock around the front gate of the property - but the landlord had the police called on him and the chain was ultimately removed.
Chinese outlet Zaobao claims the police were called six times, by both the tenants and the landlord.
On 27 October, 2020, the landlord even tried to evict the tenants himself, accompanied by his cousin and someone who could use a chainsaw - to cut down the iron door at the front of the property.
The tenants allegedly came out and 'sprayed' at the landlord with a hose. His cousin was also 'kicked and injured' before the family called the police on the group.
Local police said they were conducting an investigation into intentional injury and harassment.
Topics: Money, World News, Police