A student in Toronto made a split decision that would turn her life upside down for months all thanks to a jawbreaker.
The 19-year-old business administration student admitted she had a ‘dumb idea’ when she bought 'giant' three-inch diameter jawbreakers with her friend.
Unfortunately, this dumb idea would land her in hospital with a whole host of medical issues that needed fixing.
The Canadian student said: “I was with my friend at the mall and we went into [a shop] to see if they have jawbreakers and we got a giant one, the biggest size they had.
“I said we have to break it because people lick their way through it and it takes them months to get through it all.

“We were talking about it and saying, can we bite into this? The candy is literally called a jawbreaker.
I am sure it is right here the student wishes she did just about anything else than what she was about to do.
In an alternate timeline there is likely a happy and content Javeria living her best life.
Live and learn I suppose.
Javeria then decided to bite into the jawbreaker and was surprised to find that she had only made a small hole and her jaw hurt a fair bit.
Her friend said that her tooth was chipped, and she admitted she was crying by the time the ambulance arrived. At the hospital, she received an X-ray and CT scan and doctors revealed that she had broken her jaw in two places (there's a reason they're called jawbreakers).
She continued: “They told me my jaw is broken and needs to be wired shut. I was shocked, I thought my biggest problem was my broken tooth. I couldn't open my mouth but I thought it was because of the pain from my tooth.
“I had to have surgery, they put my jaw back in place and put a bar into my top and bottom gum and wired it shut.”
Thankfully this wasn’t permanent, but it would prove to be a grueling six weeks with more issues to come down the line.

Speaking of the time of her mouth wired shut, Javeria said she didn’t take well to the liquid diet she had to go on, stating she lost 7 pounds in just two weeks.
She added: “All I can think about is how hungry I am, I took the feeling of being full for granted. I miss food so much.
“I also feel irritated all the time. I can't open my mouth, I can't lick my lip if food gets on it, I can't use my teeth to open something.
“You realize how important your mouth is, you use it for literally everything in your life. It has affected my life so much.
Javeria confirmed that she likely won’t be trying the sweet treat again.
She said: “It was a dumb idea I had with my friend. I'm definitely traumatized so I would say I probably wouldn't have one again.
“It was such a stupid thing, people break their jaws in car accidents and fights, this was such an avoidable way to break your jaw.”
Topics: Health, Canada, World News