A 25-year-old woman from Australia has shared a trick she uses to find somewhere to stay after becoming homeless.
Emily Webb is currently living out of her car in Australia's Gold Coast while she tries to find a rental apartment.

In the meantime, the 25-year-old is crashing on friends' sofas, but also has another way to find somewhere to sleep so she doesn't become a 'burden'.
Australia's ongoing housing crisis has made finding a place to live increasingly difficult for many people.
Emily revealed that she has struggled to find a place to live, despite offering to pay as much as a year's worth of rent in advance.
She earns a high income from an OnlyFans account, as well as having more than 150,000 followers on Instagram.
This means that she has a budget of around AU $1,000 (around US $660) a week for rent, but is still struggling.
Nonetheless, Emily said that she is not too worried about her situation as she has another ploy she uses to help her find somewhere to stay while she looks for a flat.
This involves using dating app Hinge to find men whose flat she can then crash at for a few days, before moving on to the next one.
In a video on TikTok she said: “I can’t believe I’ve been wasting my money on rent all this time. Life hack: If you’re hot, don’t ever pay rent."
She told news.com.au: “I’ve been on dating apps finding different guys’ places to stay with, and it is going surprisingly well. I don’t usually tell them. I don’t want to put pressure on anyone."
She added: “I don’t mention that I’m homeless and I don’t think I look homeless.”
While she doesn't want to become a burden to her friends, she that she doesn't mind 'being a burden to random men.'

In the meantime, she shared that she is saving money while not paying AU $1,000 a week in rent, saying: “It is good not paying rent. The places I’m looking at are around $1,000 a week, and I’m saving so much."
The 25-year-old shared that she is comfortable using her 'pretty privilege' to her advantage in her difficult situation.
She said: “I love pushing the boundaries of pretty privilege and seeing how far I can take it. You’re only single and hot once and I love taking advantage of it anywhere it can.”
However, she did add in her TikTok video: "They do only last a few nights and then they break up with me because they realize I'm using them."
While she is still applying for a more permanent place to live, she said this gives her 'space to be picky'.
She added: "I feel like any day I could have a rental. I’m not extremely stressed."
Topics: News, World News, Australia, OnlyFans