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Ancient forms of executions have long been documented: from the Middle Age favorite of having people hung, drawn and quartered, to Southeast Asia's unusual method of having elephants trample a person to death - there's been some rather imaginative methods over the years.
The Ancient Greek's Brazen Bull has previously been dubbed one of the most brutal ways to kill someone, but it might be the Persians who take the title for the worst ever execution method.
According to Greek philosopher Plutarch's book 'Life of Artaxerxes', the people of Persia (now modern-day Iran) used a method known as scaphism - which a mortician has said is the absolute worst way to die.
This involved two boats that would be put on top of each other and nailed together to make a kind of floating coffin.
Holes were put in the boats so that the prisoner's arms, legs and head could stick out and they'd be left out to stew in the hot sun.
Then, the person would be fed large quantities milk and honey, which was also drizzled over their face to attract insects.
The prison would continued to be force fed milk and honey until, well... they'd end up lying in a pile of their own poop.
Insects and other vermin would then enter the person's bowel, all while their exterior was being eaten.
This form of torture would last up to 17 days.
Feeling nauseous? Me too.
People online have since shared their thoughts on the torturous way to die, with one going as far as saying it makes prison look more appealing.
They wrote: "Prison doesn’t sound so bad anymore."
Calling it 'brutal', another person: "You really REALLY have to hate someone SO MUCH to come up with such a brutal execution method."
"They didn't call it the dark ages for nothing," quipped a third.
Another added: "I think this might be the very worst way I've ever heard of to die."
Meanwhile, someone else said they were glad that cameras weren't around back then as I'm sure we can all agree that it not a sight you'd want to see.
Executions still take place to this day, and a recent death has sparked a lot of controversy.
On January 25, convict Kenneth Smith died by nitrogen hypoxia.
The method causes the inmate to breathe pure nitrogen, depriving them of the oxygen needed to maintain bodily functions.
Smith was the first prisoner to die by such means.
While the method was described as 'textbook' by the Attorney General of Alabama, others labelled it as 'inhumane'.