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Elon Musk Pledges To Purge One Group Of Twitter Users

Elon Musk Pledges To Purge One Group Of Twitter Users

The Tesla boss is trying to take over the social media giant

Elon Musk has pledged to rid Twitter of a specific group if his takeover bid of Twitter is successful.

The Tesla boss is currently trying to take control of the social media giant, with a colossal bid of $46.5bn (£35.6bn).

Musk recently became the largest shareholder in the company, taking a 9.2 percent stake.

However, he is now looking to strengthen his grip and plans to make huge changes if he succeeds.

Musk made a $41.39 billion offer to buy Twitter last week.

His latest promise is to delete every single bot on the site.

In a tweet this week, the 50-year-old said: "If our twitter bid succeeds, we will defeat the spam bots or die trying!

"And authenticate all real humans."

It's not the first change the billionaire has proposed, though.

He recently spoke to TED founder Chris Anderson about his desire to buy Twitter and what he would like to do with it.

Anderson opened up the discussion, asking: "So Elon, a few hours ago you made an offer to buy Twitter, why?"

To which Musk responded, "How did you know?" referencing the fact that he had tweeted about his offer and illustrating why the social media site would be a good investment.

Elaborating further, Musk went on: "I think it's very important that there will be an inclusive arena for free speech."

"Twitter has become kind of the de facto town square. It's really important that people have the reality and the perception that they're able to speak freely, within the bounds of the law."

He then suggested improvements for the site, with a focus on greater transparency.

"One of the things I think Twitter should do is open source the algorithm and make any changes to people's tweets, if they're emphasised or de-emphasised, that should be made apparent, so you can see that that action has been taken.

"So, you know, there's no behind-the-scenes manipulation either algorithmically or manually."

He went on to note that Twitter was really important to 'the function of democracy' and 'to help freedom in the world'.

"I think civilisational risk is decreased the more we can increase the trust of Twitter as a public platform," he continued.

It was announced earlier this week that Musk had secured the $46.5bn (£35.6bn) required to fund his bid for the site and that he was putting up $21bn of his own money as part of the package.

His financing package was outlined in official documents.

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Featured Image Credit: Alamy

Topics: US News, Technology, Twitter, Elon Musk