With how important phones are to our everyday lives, it can be stressful getting the technological help you need as one unlucky man found out.
Living in the modern world of technology a phone can pretty much be a necessity for most people.
They keep you in the loop with friends, family, work, social media and essentially allow you to be connected to everything and everyone.
With that being said, when you phone doesn't work... boy can it be a nightmare.
Well, one Reddit user detailed quite an annoying situation he had to deal with.
After his Google Pixel 3 wasn’t working as intended, he wanted to simply get his money back.
However, instead of a $900 refund, he bizarrely received 10 brand new phones worth around $10,000.
The Reddit user, u/Cheetohz, shared a picture of the phones he received and admitted that he wasn’t exactly sure how to get the issue resolved.
The user captioned the post: "Google, I have your phones. You have my money. Let's sort this out."
Explaining what happened, the unnamed man said he didn't want to criticize the company but claimed he had no other option.
He continued: "Second to last resort to get the support I need. Resorting to bad PR. Hate that it had to come to this.
"I recently returned a defective white pixel 3, so that I could re-purchase a not pink model. Problem is, I was only refunded $80 (tax) I'm still owed $900 by Google.
"With the shipping is my not pink model, Google screwed up and shipped me 10... At $1000ea, that's $10k of product I now legally have in my possession. In all, I'm actually in the positive by $8k.
"Well, I want to do the right thing and return them. But I'm not willing to do so until my refund is processed properly. If I don't get the proper support here, I'll going to attempt to return the extra 9 phones via $1000 COD."

Laying down an ultimatum to the firm, the Redditor added: "If the shipment is rejected, I'll be selling them to recoup my money that wasn't refunded. Again, not the right thing to do but I've run out of patience and options."
Some Reddit users praised the unhappy customer for his post, with one person writing: "I'm dirt poor, but if I had the money to buy one from google and this happened to me I'd sure as hell try to be like you and do the right thing. Selling them is VERY tempting... Kudos! Karma and upvotes!"
Luckily, there was a happy ending.
After the post was published, Google responded to the complaint via its official Reddit account, asking the customer to get in touch so the alleged mix-up could be resolved.
A representative for the company wrote: "Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I'll send you a private message to get some personal details from you so we can look into this for you."
In an update, the user confirmed that Google had sorted him out with his money and he would be mailing the phones back to the company.
LADbible Group previously contacted Google for comment.
Topics: Google, Reddit, Social Media, Technology, Phones