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Tech billionaire says there is one critical trait you need to have to succeed

Tech billionaire says there is one critical trait you need to have to succeed

Technology entrepreneur Jay Chaudhry has revealed what he believes is most important in order to achieve 'success' and it may surprise you

Apparently it may be more simple than you think to reach the same level of 'success' as a tech billionaire.

Look, while we're all for eating the rich, earning a few more pennies in a cost of living crisis and boosting our careers to a point we could consider them a 'success' certainly appeals - and just think about how you could actually make good on Elon Musk's supposed pledge to solve world hunger if you had access to that amount of money.

And if you were looking for some advice on how to build a business, tech entrepreneur Jay Chaudhry has since weighed in.

The 66-year-old and his wife Jyoti founded Internet security service SecureIT in 1996, before Verisign acquired it in 1998.

Jay Chaudhry is a leading tech entrepreneur (Zscaler)
Jay Chaudhry is a leading tech entrepreneur (Zscaler)

Chaudhry later when on to launch email security company CipherTrust in 2000 and sold it for a whopping $274 million to Secure Computing Corporation in 2006.

He launched multiple other companies including CoreHarbor and AirDefense and his latest company dealing with cloud security, called Zscaler, formed in 2007.

It's fair to say Chaudhry's career could be considered a 'success' - certainly when it comes to his finances, as the entrepreneur currently has a net worth of a whopping $9.7 billion, as per Forbes.

And he has one main tip for anyone who is hoping to follow in his path.

In an interview with CNBC, Chaudhry revealed that the one characteristic it takes to succeed is having a 'passion to achieve something meaningful'.

He continues: "If people don’t have passion, it doesn’t matter how much experience they have. It just doesn’t matter for any job."

Chaudhry says 'passion' is most important (Zscaler)
Chaudhry says 'passion' is most important (Zscaler)

But why is it so important? Well, Chaudhry explains if you're passionate about your work then you see it less as work as more as a 'hobby' and are actually 'enjoying it' which can aid effective 'building' your business and subsequently making it a 'success'.

Whether you see 'success' as monetary or simply by the enjoyment it adds to your life, Chaudhry's advice is still applicable.

And in an interview with Business Standard in 2019, as quoted by India Today, Chaundhry also noted: "My success so far has mainly been because I have very little attachment for money. My obsession is really to make sure that the internet and cloud are a safe place for everyone to do business."

Well, maybe there's a bit of hope for some billionaires yet - so how about donating more of that $9 billion to helping with world hunger eh?

Featured Image Credit: Forbes/Linkedin

Topics: Celebrity, Money, Technology, Business